Tymlos and knee pain

Posted by zygote @zygote, Nov 22, 2024

I've been on Tymlos for 5 months and at last my heart has stopped thumping when I take the 70mcg. My heart rate still goes up to about 100 beats/minute, but that's ok. I was going to try to go up to 80mcg, but now my knees are killing me so much I can't sleep without taking motrin (400 mg) and sometimes that doesn't work.
#1. I want to know if others have aching knees and if this will stop after taking the medication.
#2. I also have sharp sudden pain in my legs that quickly goes away. Is this what bone pain feels like?

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I was on Tymlos for four months until Cigna revoked my pre-authorization. I did get the sharp sudden pains you mention. I called them "zingers" because they felt like electric zaps. I had them in my lower legs, feet, forearms, wrists and hands. They disappeared a couple of days after I stopped taking Tymlos.

I did not experience knee pain but my elbows and wrists did hurt. That also went away after I stopped.


@zygote, rapid bone remodeling can cause pain in the surrounding tissues. You might consider calling your physician to see if lowering the dose could relieve the pain the effect
I would want imaging of the knees, because I remember reading a few years back about finger joint pain with use of Tymlos that didn't resolve after quitting the medication and required fusion of the joint.
Knee pain is specifically cited in literature about Tymlos.
Maybe the pain is a sign that the drug is working really well, or that the dose is a little high. Don't let the doctor shrug it off as a normal side effect, though it may well be. Get the imaging.

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