Pathology report: Gleason increase

Posted by anosmic1 @anosmic1, Nov 22, 2024

I talked with my doctor 11/22 following surgery 11.11. My biopsy in July showed a Gleason of 4+3=7. The post-surgery pathology report showed a Gleason of 9. I'm told the cancer was removed, including removing some lymph nodes. My next appointment is in 3 months with a new PSA. I'm told I'm good to go but it's hard to take a deep breath and relax. Anyone else have a higher Gleason during the surgery than before?

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That is what happened to me too. 8 before surgery 9 after surgery and examination of the prostrate. This was 40 months ago and I get psa tested every 3 months. Still get anxious before the 3 month appt and test. It is the new reality and I am happy that I got and still getting quality medical care!


Me too. Made me feel even more grateful I was treated. 15 months out. They asked me if I wanted to go 6 months between PSA tests after 1 year of testing every 3 three months. I decided to try every 4 months but I think I will go back to every 3 because it is stressful. I hope everything works out great for you


I was Gleason 9 before and after surgery. You are very correct about the anxiety waiting for wach subsequent test. My wait was short as I was 0.26 at my 1st test.


My Gleason 4+3 stayed the same post op, but what you describe is very common.
As for relaxing? HAHA!! I haven’t relaxed since even before my biopsy and 6 yrs later, STILL not….
But there’s a difference between being healthily anxious - like awaiting results- or being morbidly obsessed 24/7 with this disease. I’ve gone from that obsession to a state of acceptance - even now during ADT and salvage radiation.
Once you are a member of the brotherhood, there is no getting out. You will be constantly tested with bloodwork and scans for as long as you live no matter what your surgeon says. Yes, you are ‘good to go’ as far as HE is concerned but now another chapter of vigilance begins.
Just live your life and work this condition into it - don’t let the condition be how you live your life.
Hopefully, your surgeon truly got it all and you are cured. That DOES happen!! So just get your PSA’s done as recommended and take it from there. Remember: Life is a chronic condition…


I got the same Gleason score on a few hot spots on my last biopsy. Took bone scan all clear. Doctor say I should remove prostate. Running psa teens to 20. Think 2025 maybe surgery.


Biopsy July Gleason 9. 😳
2d opinion Aug of Biopsy material Gleason 7. 😌
Postop pathology Sept Gleason 9 w/ EPE. 🙄
Despite our wishes (and those of the Pathologists and other Drs), Biopsy interpretations, as well as MRI and other imaging results, are not as clear cut as we would prefer.
Best wishes for your treatment outcome.


That is what happened to me too. 8 before surgery 9 after surgery and examination of the prostrate. This was 40 months ago and I get psa tested every 3 months. Still get anxious before the 3 month appt and test. It is the new reality and I am happy that I got and still getting quality medical care!

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That's comforting. I trust that my surgery was successful. Now it's a matter or breathing until February. Thanks.


I got the same Gleason score on a few hot spots on my last biopsy. Took bone scan all clear. Doctor say I should remove prostate. Running psa teens to 20. Think 2025 maybe surgery.

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My surgery was not as bad as I was imaging. I've had little pain. The catheter was annoying but not painful. 24 hours later I'm feeling better. The higher Gleason was a surprise but I'm moving ahead.


My Gleason 4+3 stayed the same post op, but what you describe is very common.
As for relaxing? HAHA!! I haven’t relaxed since even before my biopsy and 6 yrs later, STILL not….
But there’s a difference between being healthily anxious - like awaiting results- or being morbidly obsessed 24/7 with this disease. I’ve gone from that obsession to a state of acceptance - even now during ADT and salvage radiation.
Once you are a member of the brotherhood, there is no getting out. You will be constantly tested with bloodwork and scans for as long as you live no matter what your surgeon says. Yes, you are ‘good to go’ as far as HE is concerned but now another chapter of vigilance begins.
Just live your life and work this condition into it - don’t let the condition be how you live your life.
Hopefully, your surgeon truly got it all and you are cured. That DOES happen!! So just get your PSA’s done as recommended and take it from there. Remember: Life is a chronic condition…

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Back in 1993 I had a concussion that destroyed my sense of smell. I thought that was a challenge. This is another one. I'll move toward accepting it as a part of my life. I trust the surgeon when he says he got it. Next stop, February testing.


Typically the pathology results - i.e. Gleason Score , is found to be higher after surgery .
Prostate pathology is a "Guessing Game " in my opinion . Dr. Patrick Walsh in his book " Guiide to Surviving Prostate Cancer " and other experts recommend a 2nd or 2rd opinion of their results . Here are mine :
1st Biopsy 5 Cores NEGATIVE
2nd Biopsy 16 Cores 6 in the same target area as Biopsy # 1 . The result : ALL 6 Cores Gleason 3 +3 = 6 .
2nd Opinion of my 2nd Biopsy: ALL 6 Cores upgraded to Gleason 3 + 4 = 7
3rd " " " " " 4 Cores Gleason 6 2 Cores Gleason 3 + 4 = 7
Both Biopsies were Transpperineal MRI Fusion Biopsies . MRI was PI - RADS 5 .
With pathologists reading prostate biopsies in particular which are one of the most difficult . Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . It's very subjective . Perhaps AI will help with the intreperation in the future .

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