How serious is a Chrons Disease diagnosis

Posted by marion49 @marion49, Nov 17, 2024

Landed in ER with a abdominal issues, after scans and morphine, they sent me Gastro Doc. Had a colonoscopy and upper GI endoscopy the findings were Chrons Disease. Doc flat out told me the only help would be Infusions, Self Injections, or Meds that would play havoc on my autoimmune system, which is already compromised. I told him those 3 conditions were not an option for me. He flat out said I would DIE if I didn't take something. I think his "presentation" scared me more than the diagnose. I'm trying to see another gastro, but it take months to get in. I was able to schedule appt with GI Surgeon asap, read that there were surgeries that are minimally invasive to treat Chrons. Bottom line, I feel like I was handed a death sentence, but after reading on group discussions that people have lived with this for years, maybe there is hope?? I am a 75 year old female, if I can get 10 (maybe 15, I have grandkids I want to watch grow) comfortable years, I am good!

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Stomach is uncomfortable and lower back started hurting pretty bad. Haven't looked that up to see if its a side effect. I have never had diarrhea! My doctor said she referred me to Gi docs and there isn't anything more she can do. I'm a bit disappointed in her right now.

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Hello @marion49

When you say that your stomach is "uncomfortable" what exactly are you feeling? For example, cramping, abdominal pain, fullness, etc.?

You might consider keeping a food diary to see if there are any foods or liquids that trigger this discomfort and of course eating light, frequent, smaller meals might be helpful.


Hello @marion49

When you say that your stomach is "uncomfortable" what exactly are you feeling? For example, cramping, abdominal pain, fullness, etc.?

You might consider keeping a food diary to see if there are any foods or liquids that trigger this discomfort and of course eating light, frequent, smaller meals might be helpful.

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A burning, cramping sensation, upper and lower. Good idea about the food/liquid journal.


It is definitely not a death sentence. I have uc. Which I’ve been hospitalized for in the past. I’ve been on steroids as well as a chemo like pill. I’m now on a very benign medication And have been in remission for years!! A good friend of mine has Crohns and was diagnosed about a year ago. She’s older than me. Closer to your age. And doing amazingly! Been in remission for over 6 months. She’s had to adjust her diet and take some meds. But already on much lower doses. And feeling great. And you will be tooo


It is definitely not a death sentence. I have uc. Which I’ve been hospitalized for in the past. I’ve been on steroids as well as a chemo like pill. I’m now on a very benign medication And have been in remission for years!! A good friend of mine has Crohns and was diagnosed about a year ago. She’s older than me. Closer to your age. And doing amazingly! Been in remission for over 6 months. She’s had to adjust her diet and take some meds. But already on much lower doses. And feeling great. And you will be tooo

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Hello @graceym1

I appreciate your post about your successful treatment with Crohn's. You mentioned, diet adjustment. Can you share
what type of diet adjustments you (or your friend) made that was helpful?


Hello @graceym1

I appreciate your post about your successful treatment with Crohn's. You mentioned, diet adjustment. Can you share
what type of diet adjustments you (or your friend) made that was helpful?

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Of course. Much less fiber no milk products. Lactaid for milk. No fresh
veggies . Frozen only. No whole wheat. Switched to white bread until it’s
not active. Hope this helps.


I too was diagnosed with Crohn's many many years ago and thanks to Low Dose Naltrexone I am medication and symptom free. Have been for several years. Without the LDN I couldn't get off the Entacort. Likewise I keep the raw veggies on the down-low, but that is pretty much it. Your GI doc will not go for it (it's not protocol). You'll have to try a dr that specializes in it or a primary or a rheummy. They are more open to it. Everyone with gut disease should at least try it.


I too was diagnosed with Crohn's many many years ago and thanks to Low Dose Naltrexone I am medication and symptom free. Have been for several years. Without the LDN I couldn't get off the Entacort. Likewise I keep the raw veggies on the down-low, but that is pretty much it. Your GI doc will not go for it (it's not protocol). You'll have to try a dr that specializes in it or a primary or a rheummy. They are more open to it. Everyone with gut disease should at least try it.

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That is great that you are symptom free. I will research Naltrexone, but what is LDN and a rheummy? I am schedule to see a DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine) in 2 months, I'm anxious to see what her approach will be.


LDN is Low Dose Naltrexone (regular naltrexone starts at 50 mg for opiate o.d.)and rheummy is short hand for rheumatologist. DOs can be very good. My primary is a DO and my glaucoma opthomalogist.


It is definitely not a death sentence. I have uc. Which I’ve been hospitalized for in the past. I’ve been on steroids as well as a chemo like pill. I’m now on a very benign medication And have been in remission for years!! A good friend of mine has Crohns and was diagnosed about a year ago. She’s older than me. Closer to your age. And doing amazingly! Been in remission for over 6 months. She’s had to adjust her diet and take some meds. But already on much lower doses. And feeling great. And you will be tooo

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Unfortunately Crohn's and UC are vastly different. UC is only in the large bowel (colon) where Crohn's is in both the small and large bowels.
There are a lot of new immunosuppressants that have shown a significant improvement on symptoms and putting the disease into remission. The most important thing is to NOT let your doctor put you on any type of steroids for a long period of time. This can cause other complications.
I'm a retired GI nurse and my husband has UC, luckily his has burned out, but being diagnosed with Crohn's at this point in your life, I definitely recommend getting on the lowest immunosuppressant, like Skyrizi, that works great without severely compromising your immune system.
As far as diet, everyone is different. Most GI doctors will tell you to increase your fiber intake but for some people that's a trigger. The best recommendation I can offer is when you're symptomatic and experiencing discomfort then follow a clear liquid/bland diet. My husband's go too has always been egg noodles with a little butter 🤷‍♀️.


Unfortunately Crohn's and UC are vastly different. UC is only in the large bowel (colon) where Crohn's is in both the small and large bowels.
There are a lot of new immunosuppressants that have shown a significant improvement on symptoms and putting the disease into remission. The most important thing is to NOT let your doctor put you on any type of steroids for a long period of time. This can cause other complications.
I'm a retired GI nurse and my husband has UC, luckily his has burned out, but being diagnosed with Crohn's at this point in your life, I definitely recommend getting on the lowest immunosuppressant, like Skyrizi, that works great without severely compromising your immune system.
As far as diet, everyone is different. Most GI doctors will tell you to increase your fiber intake but for some people that's a trigger. The best recommendation I can offer is when you're symptomatic and experiencing discomfort then follow a clear liquid/bland diet. My husband's go too has always been egg noodles with a little butter 🤷‍♀️.

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I’m aware of the difference between the two diseases. I was giving my personal experience and what foods to avoid. As well as fiber being horrible for both conditions. My sister and best friend have chrohns disease. We are all here to help each other and offer our own personal experiences. Hope your husband is well!!! Have a good night.

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