November glooms

Posted by northoftheborder @northoftheborder, Nov 17, 2024

Feeling sick (some kind of a nasty cold; negative for COVID); the light is low, and the snow hasn't come to brighten things up; my quarterly blood work is due in a couple of weeks; etc.

It's hard not to think too much about my cancer at a time like this. But I know I'll feel better soon. I'll try a nap, then some CBT writing exercises to climb out of the hole.

How are you all doing?

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For me? Sort of. Still going through 7 or 8 pads a day. Can't see a physio until next month.

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My incontinence last year was due to radiation cystitis, not muscle sphincter damage from a prostatectomy, so this might not apply. But for me, what ended (most of) the urge incontinence after 5 challenging months was a combination of staying hydrated, reducing urinary-tract irritants like caffeine/alcohol/carbonated drinks/spicy foods, and a high-dose prescription of Myrbetriq to relax the detrusor muscle (which squeezes the bladder).

At the worst point, I was waking every 30 minutes to urinate. Over a year later, I'm sleeping most of the night again, confidently sitting on a plane for a trans-Atlantic flight, and I'm off the Myrbetriq. There's light at the end of the (long) tunnel.


My incontinence last year was due to radiation cystitis, not muscle sphincter damage from a prostatectomy, so this might not apply. But for me, what ended (most of) the urge incontinence after 5 challenging months was a combination of staying hydrated, reducing urinary-tract irritants like caffeine/alcohol/carbonated drinks/spicy foods, and a high-dose prescription of Myrbetriq to relax the detrusor muscle (which squeezes the bladder).

At the worst point, I was waking every 30 minutes to urinate. Over a year later, I'm sleeping most of the night again, confidently sitting on a plane for a trans-Atlantic flight, and I'm off the Myrbetriq. There's light at the end of the (long) tunnel.

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It's certainly a long tunnel, but we'll take any progress we can get.


Here in Arizona, I woke up to 42 degrees and a light breeze. I'm thrilled! We had an unusually hot Summer of every day over 100+ degrees, which, made my Orgovyx hot flashes something special. With the cooler weather, I'm only having a couple per day. You take every win when you can get it 🙂


I must be in a "Goldilocks" spot for which I'm most very thankful. 10-months past last ADT and PSA is negligible; I feel good and just got my worn-out hip replaced (better already); even the Lupron hot flashes seems to be lessening; my Lady Friend and I are having wonderful times enjoying each other's company (our friends don't understand our relationship so we call ourselves "Mature Playmates" - that works 😉 ; I'll visit the older son's family (with college age grandkids) in warm GA for Thanksgiving; and I now do lots of activities I'd avoided in the past 22-years (other stories for that).
I thank you all and pray for all of us as I ride this golden opportunity of experiencing the bad things pretty much under control. Any recurrence of the PC will find its own time that can't be predicted so I'll keep trying to put that to back of mind while I squeeze all the fun and good times in while I can.
God Speed and the best possible times for all of you in these roller-coaster journeys we all find ourselves navigating.


I am a slightly west of the Cascade Mountain Range type of Advanced Prostate Cancer Guy. Which means in times of gloomy weather I enhance moods with good coffee, good books, Ken Burns Documentaries, resistance training exercise with creative conversations with old buddies. Translation: Coffee from Sister's Coffee Company in Sister Oregon (My favorite get-away), Just finished "Revenge of the Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell last night, Ken Burns "Leonardo Da Vinci" arrives soon, Resistance Training Wirth the Old Buddies starts at 9am days days a week (M/W/F).

So, even with spot radiation treatment going on last week and this week, I am doing my slightly west of the Cascade Mountains thing....Much joy to all of you.


Yes, the mind-body connection is definitely of value in my opinion. I find it interesting how we associate (in our minds) gloomy days with feeling gloomy, knowing that above the clouds, the sun is shining brightly. Still, there is a beauty to this day that is unique and never to be repeated. I might try to see the gift it is and the wisdom it holds. Everything belongs…

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