Penis tip discomfort

Posted by jeffwneedhelp @jeffwneedhelp, Nov 17, 2024

I have constant discomfort/yucky feelings it then tip of my penis. I have been going to Urology for a year now. They've done every test, all negative. They say nothing is wrong. Have tried creams, antibiotics, and pain meds. Everything works for a couple days, then the pain comes back. I am desperate. Can't take much more. Can anyone help?

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You may want to go to a neurologist and spine specialist to see if you have any compressed nerves/nerve roots from lumbar spine. The neurologist can do EMG nerve conduction studies of your lower limbs to see if anything shows up. A pinched nerve in lumbar spine can affect nerve sensations and pain in genitals.


You can ask a neurologist to do a MRI but may be better to go straight to a spine specialist for Xray and MRI of lumbar spine.

Do you have any low back, hip or leg pain, too? Were virus exposures ruled out (like Epstein Barr, Chickenpox/Shingles, Herpes/HSV, COVID)? They can cause all sorts of neurological problems short and long-term.


A neurologist can also test for vitamin deficiencies and toxicities plus to check sugar levels since prediabetes and diabetes can cause nerve damage of small fibers. A neurologist can also do a skin punch biopsy of upper and lower leg to check for small fiber neuropathy. The small nerve fibers at the head of your penis may be irritated or damaged. You want to find the cause of small fiber neuropathy asap to stop progression, if possible. I have this but they couldn’t find cause (told it was idiopathic). I am a female and 55 but diagnosed with SFN at 47.


Not a doctor, but was a medical tech for several years. It was common practice to test problems such as yours for fungal infections. Requires different media for culturing than bacteria. Fungi are not affected by antibiotics. Might be worth a look.


Could be caused by the soap you are using when bathing or even your underwear, which may contain chemical from laundering.

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