Anxiety over radiation burns: What can I expect?

Posted by kathyoung @kathyoung, Oct 16, 2024

Can anyone give me an idea of what to expect from the effects of radiation on the breast skin. I don’t know why I m so anxious about this! I had no anxiety at all about the surgery. I only have to have
5 treatments but apparently the effects are the same as 15. I unfortunately saw some scary pictures when I was looking for moisturizer creams for radiation burn.

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I used Cera Ve. It has to be water based according to my nurses. You only apply after radiation, and before bed. I had 18 treatments, both breasts, and thats what I did. I did not wear any deodorant until after radiation. I did not have any burning.

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Thanks for the info. I will apply the cream before bed then nothing until after my radiation treatments at 11:30 am - they recommended I bring it to put on right after that. I was surprised after my Lumpectomy and Sentinel Node Biopsy I didn't really sweat so I didn't use any deodorant - I guess that is because I am 59 yrs old. I may opt not to put on deodorant either - but just in case I got the brand Native.


Maybe I misunderstood--but I thought the techs suggested moisturizing some days before the radiation treatment so as to get the skin in good shape.. You are right--never before on day of.

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Yes - they mentioned only days before but not to apply for at least 4 hours before treatment.


Thanks. That is a good point about the techs.


Thanks for the info. I will apply the cream before bed then nothing until after my radiation treatments at 11:30 am - they recommended I bring it to put on right after that. I was surprised after my Lumpectomy and Sentinel Node Biopsy I didn't really sweat so I didn't use any deodorant - I guess that is because I am 59 yrs old. I may opt not to put on deodorant either - but just in case I got the brand Native.

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I found I didnt sweat either. after my nodes were removed. I still dont much, but under my one breast I sweat at the scar and it sometimes smells like blue cheese. yuk


i finished 3 weeks of radiation 5 days a week , a couple of months ago . it went very well , looked like a bad sunburn at end, but cream from nurse worked well , no pain whatso ever , no itching . healed very well . and i'm in my 60 s. with badly sun damaged skin to begin with . you will be fine , did seem to make me tired weeks after . but everyone is different . i'm glad i had it , as several lymph nodes affected . i found it a breeze . had had a mastectomy a few weeks before, so had scaring from that , but the radiation didn't worry the long scar. or inflame it . skin slightly darker a few weeks after but returns to natural colour pretty quickly . so try not to worry , don't be anxious that's a lot worse than having it done . remember it's killing off stray cancer cells . all the best .

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Consider yourself lucky. My 6 weeks was a living hell. Burnt and all the creams & lotions didn't help. Everyone is different so just be thankful.


Consider yourself lucky. My 6 weeks was a living hell. Burnt and all the creams & lotions didn't help. Everyone is different so just be thankful.

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well 6 weeks is a long time, mine was only 3 weeks, what a nightmare for you . i was wrongly diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer , and had six months of intense chemotherapy , the strongest yiu can take, "red devil" , but after cells were tested after the mastectomy they were found to be oestrogen positive not triple negative , a " mistake" the doctor thought . so now i need only anti oestrogen tablets . so after chemo , radiation was easy !! after removing 25 lymph nodes , i'm dealing with blockage in arm and chest wall which is annoying after all the treatment , so still ongoing . we all have our own battles . i prefer to dwell on the positives as this treatment is bad enough to go thru . all the best , hope your thru the worst . and recovering well .


well 6 weeks is a long time, mine was only 3 weeks, what a nightmare for you . i was wrongly diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer , and had six months of intense chemotherapy , the strongest yiu can take, "red devil" , but after cells were tested after the mastectomy they were found to be oestrogen positive not triple negative , a " mistake" the doctor thought . so now i need only anti oestrogen tablets . so after chemo , radiation was easy !! after removing 25 lymph nodes , i'm dealing with blockage in arm and chest wall which is annoying after all the treatment , so still ongoing . we all have our own battles . i prefer to dwell on the positives as this treatment is bad enough to go thru . all the best , hope your thru the worst . and recovering well .

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yes , iv always considered myself lucky , iv had a great life and enjoy every day . my husband died from cancer while the children were young , and was a battle , but i take pleasure in this beautiful world around me . 4 years ago broke my back 4 places plus my neck in two and nine broken ribs ,on ventilator in ICU for a week not expected to live , the pain was beyond belief , had temporary steel rods and 18 screws inserted in my spine to hold me up, so pain is still constant . now battling cancer is an extra bonus i was dealt , at 68, but what can you do , you have to just keep going and not let it drag you down . i'm thankful for every day . i found it's the unknown that's the most terrifying , we are more resilient than we think . The body doesn't give up easily .


well 6 weeks is a long time, mine was only 3 weeks, what a nightmare for you . i was wrongly diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer , and had six months of intense chemotherapy , the strongest yiu can take, "red devil" , but after cells were tested after the mastectomy they were found to be oestrogen positive not triple negative , a " mistake" the doctor thought . so now i need only anti oestrogen tablets . so after chemo , radiation was easy !! after removing 25 lymph nodes , i'm dealing with blockage in arm and chest wall which is annoying after all the treatment , so still ongoing . we all have our own battles . i prefer to dwell on the positives as this treatment is bad enough to go thru . all the best , hope your thru the worst . and recovering well .

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Wishing you well. A mistake like that is inexcusable! Sorry you had to go through that.


Thanks for the info. I will apply the cream before bed then nothing until after my radiation treatments at 11:30 am - they recommended I bring it to put on right after that. I was surprised after my Lumpectomy and Sentinel Node Biopsy I didn't really sweat so I didn't use any deodorant - I guess that is because I am 59 yrs old. I may opt not to put on deodorant either - but just in case I got the brand Native.

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Good luck! Someone wrote in this column they were “diligent ” about applying the cream and did very well. I decided I would do the same. I used the cream several times a day, I tried to be sure I was covered at all times. The only time I did not use it was 2 hours before treatment.

Of course follow your radiation team’s advice on the time they tell you to stop applying it, but when you are able apply as often as you can. I am fair skinned and had no burning at all.
I hope it goes well for you. ..and thank you to whoever said be diligent 🙂


I found I didnt sweat either. after my nodes were removed. I still dont much, but under my one breast I sweat at the scar and it sometimes smells like blue cheese. yuk

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That doesn't sound like a pleasant smell. I hope you can find something for that. I wonder if you could use deodorant under your breast (not sure antiperspirant would be good to try). Might want to check with your doc if there is anything you can do.

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