Prostate cancer humor?

Posted by bluegill @bluegill, Aug 6, 2024

Lately I've been vacillating between focused motivation and deep sadness regarding my future. I find that strange humor can be very helpful to knock me out of a funk (If there is a related thread, please direct me to it).

I just skimmed through some New Yorker magazines, and the cartoons there are delightfully absurd.

I also take great comfort in cat videos on Youtube, with "I am Maru" being my favorite.

I also like dark humor, but I might offend someone if I post some of that here.

So, what puts a smile on your face?

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With Casodex and Lupron I'm starting to grow my very own set of boobs! But for some reason, I just don't feel any desire to play with them.


With Casodex and Lupron I'm starting to grow my very own set of boobs! But for some reason, I just don't feel any desire to play with them.

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Yeah, kind-of disappointing, isn't it. 🙂


Sorry if there's any repeats. Didn't read the entire thread.


Doctor: Don't worry, it's perfectly normal to become aroused during a prostate exam.

Me: But I'm not aroused.

Doctor: No, but I am!


My doctor told me my prostate was feeling OK after radiation. I was deeply touched.


Spotted in a lawn on my walk to the hospital for my quarterly blood work: "Secured by ADT."

Hoping it's still true when my results come in later today. 🙂


Spotted in a lawn on my walk to the hospital for my quarterly blood work: "Secured by ADT."

Hoping it's still true when my results come in later today. 🙂

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The sign didn't lie: I'm good for another three months (we all know what it's like living quarter to quarter 🤷‍♂️).

My LDH remains slightly elevated, but that's not new. It's a non-specific indicator that just points to *some* kind of bone strain or irritation, not necessarily new metastases. Given that I have metal rods drilled into my spine from T1 to T5, knee-joint degradation, and have recently significantly upped my walking and weight training (which increases strain on said knees and spine), it would probably be weird if my LDH weren't slightly elevated.

I'll discuss when I see my RO later this month, but with uPSA undetectable, ALP low end of normal, and other bloodwork in normal range, I don't plan on losing any sleep over it.


The sign didn't lie: I'm good for another three months (we all know what it's like living quarter to quarter 🤷‍♂️).

My LDH remains slightly elevated, but that's not new. It's a non-specific indicator that just points to *some* kind of bone strain or irritation, not necessarily new metastases. Given that I have metal rods drilled into my spine from T1 to T5, knee-joint degradation, and have recently significantly upped my walking and weight training (which increases strain on said knees and spine), it would probably be weird if my LDH weren't slightly elevated.

I'll discuss when I see my RO later this month, but with uPSA undetectable, ALP low end of normal, and other bloodwork in normal range, I don't plan on losing any sleep over it.

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Glad to hear you are doing well - that sign was an omen!


Glad to hear you are doing well - that sign was an omen!

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I should travel around the continent planting them where everyone on the forum will see them on the way to their next tests. 😉


Every once in a while I announce to my family that I'm going to "play the C-card" (e.g. to get out of washing dishes). They've learned that it's ok to roll their eyes at me.

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Whenever someone disagrees with me I will say “shut up I have cancer.”


Whenever someone disagrees with me I will say “shut up I have cancer.”

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Ha! That worked for me until I disagreed with my wife and she said, “Shut up, you have cancer.”


Ha! That worked for me until I disagreed with my wife and she said, “Shut up, you have cancer.”

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You've heard of the A-list and B-list in Hollywood; well, we're the C-list.

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