Anxiety over radiation burns: What can I expect?

Posted by kathyoung @kathyoung, Oct 16, 2024

Can anyone give me an idea of what to expect from the effects of radiation on the breast skin. I don’t know why I m so anxious about this! I had no anxiety at all about the surgery. I only have to have
5 treatments but apparently the effects are the same as 15. I unfortunately saw some scary pictures when I was looking for moisturizer creams for radiation burn.

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My papers from the radiation oncologist office says to start skin care products on the day of radiation but the people that did the mapping a couple days ago that will also do the radiation told me I should start using the cream 2x/day that day and continue during radiation - which starts Nov 18 (which is scheduled for every other day for 5 treatments), so I have been using Vanicream as that is what I have. - they said it would make my area soft/moist before radiation. I never thought of using moisturizer unless my skin was dry - but to start with moisturizer to prevent skin dryness makes sense. They also suggested Udder Cream/Bag Balm, Aloe Vera gel at least 97% aloe, also approved are Aquaphor, Lubriderm, Eucerin and Cetaphil, and that I may apply Hydrocortisone cream if the area is itchy. Also I am to use either Lume or Native deodorant (or another deodorant that is not an antiperspirant). I haven't heard of anyone else being told to start the cream early, have you? I will do what a lot of you are saying and continue the cream for a couple weeks after surgery, and perhaps I will switch to 97% Aloe Vera during radiation treatments since many of you are using that with success but for now will use Vanicream.

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I used Cera Ve. It has to be water based according to my nurses. You only apply after radiation, and before bed. I had 18 treatments, both breasts, and thats what I did. I did not wear any deodorant until after radiation. I did not have any burning.


My doctor gave me a prescription for a cream. I don’t remember the name of it. And a jar of petroleum jelly. I had to use the jelly twice a day and the prescription once a day after every treatment. I’m shocked they don’t automatically give you that. All My best.

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I was told no petroleum, as it is a chemical


It sounds like a helpful tip to moisturize before. I've found that often techs really know a lot as they see skin all day long. Hope it works well.

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NOT BEFORE> ONLY AFTER EACH TREATMENT> I did before and they had me up off the table to clean off my breasts as it can affect the radiation.


Thank you all so much for great advice. I finished my radiation treatments today!
I’ve been using a water based cream by Glaxo and a Calendula cream that also contains olive oil. I will need a prescription for cortisone cream. I’m in Canada and we can only get a 1% over the counter. Hoping I won’t need it.
I somehow missed the post from Carrie on the green tea. (I wonder if I’m navigating this site properly, I just saw it today). I will pass it on to a friend who is starting her radiation tomorrow.
So far no reaction but I know it can come out after treatment, fingers crossed! I’ll keep using the creams for a couple of weeks.
Now the decision on letrozole, anastrozole or tamoxifen. I have done some research and, from what I have read , letrozole and anastrozole are more targeted than tamoxifen. However, I already have arthritis and dread making it worse with either of them. My oncologist said either letrozole or anastrozole are his recommendation.
Back to the gym to get in better shape to support my old bones.
This site is so valuable, thanks to all of you. Nice to know we are not alone!

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As to your AI's decision I'm currently on Letrozole and have taken Anastrozole in the past. I won't make a recommendation there other than searching Mayo Connect for relevant conversations; there are many. I have mild osteoarthritis. I started AI's the same time as Prolia so I can't say which is responsible, but within a year I had debilitating knee pain. I started taking collagen supplements which worked to counteract the drugs. I still have mild osteoarthritis, but my knees are back to where they were originally. Good luck.


NOT BEFORE> ONLY AFTER EACH TREATMENT> I did before and they had me up off the table to clean off my breasts as it can affect the radiation.

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Maybe I misunderstood--but I thought the techs suggested moisturizing some days before the radiation treatment so as to get the skin in good shape.. You are right--never before on day of.


My papers from the radiation oncologist office says to start skin care products on the day of radiation but the people that did the mapping a couple days ago that will also do the radiation told me I should start using the cream 2x/day that day and continue during radiation - which starts Nov 18 (which is scheduled for every other day for 5 treatments), so I have been using Vanicream as that is what I have. - they said it would make my area soft/moist before radiation. I never thought of using moisturizer unless my skin was dry - but to start with moisturizer to prevent skin dryness makes sense. They also suggested Udder Cream/Bag Balm, Aloe Vera gel at least 97% aloe, also approved are Aquaphor, Lubriderm, Eucerin and Cetaphil, and that I may apply Hydrocortisone cream if the area is itchy. Also I am to use either Lume or Native deodorant (or another deodorant that is not an antiperspirant). I haven't heard of anyone else being told to start the cream early, have you? I will do what a lot of you are saying and continue the cream for a couple weeks after surgery, and perhaps I will switch to 97% Aloe Vera during radiation treatments since many of you are using that with success but for now will use Vanicream.

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i finished 3 weeks of radiation 5 days a week , a couple of months ago . it went very well , looked like a bad sunburn at end, but cream from nurse worked well , no pain whatso ever , no itching . healed very well . and i'm in my 60 s. with badly sun damaged skin to begin with . you will be fine , did seem to make me tired weeks after . but everyone is different . i'm glad i had it , as several lymph nodes affected . i found it a breeze . had had a mastectomy a few weeks before, so had scaring from that , but the radiation didn't worry the long scar. or inflame it . skin slightly darker a few weeks after but returns to natural colour pretty quickly . so try not to worry , don't be anxious that's a lot worse than having it done . remember it's killing off stray cancer cells . all the best .


NOT BEFORE> ONLY AFTER EACH TREATMENT> I did before and they had me up off the table to clean off my breasts as it can affect the radiation.

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I was told when I have radiation to not have any cream on at least 4 hours in advance so I won't do that. I will put it on at night and radiation is about 11:30 am and then will put it on. Thanks for the info.


i finished 3 weeks of radiation 5 days a week , a couple of months ago . it went very well , looked like a bad sunburn at end, but cream from nurse worked well , no pain whatso ever , no itching . healed very well . and i'm in my 60 s. with badly sun damaged skin to begin with . you will be fine , did seem to make me tired weeks after . but everyone is different . i'm glad i had it , as several lymph nodes affected . i found it a breeze . had had a mastectomy a few weeks before, so had scaring from that , but the radiation didn't worry the long scar. or inflame it . skin slightly darker a few weeks after but returns to natural colour pretty quickly . so try not to worry , don't be anxious that's a lot worse than having it done . remember it's killing off stray cancer cells . all the best .

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I am 59 yrs old. Thank for the encouragement and information. Do you remember the name of the cream? Good to hear you are well after going thru radiation.


I am 59 yrs old. Thank for the encouragement and information. Do you remember the name of the cream? Good to hear you are well after going thru radiation.

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Strata xrt

you don't use much it gives you a film over the skin .

yes the thought is usually a lot worse . but i found it easy . redness to skin for sure but no bad burns . it went roughly for 15 mins each time . and the skin darker brown after then now faded to natural colour.
yes it's all rather barbaric!! but i find not dwelling on is the best . too much info is bad too as half of it never happens . all the best !!! sending you a big hug . keryn


Strata xrt

you don't use much it gives you a film over the skin .

yes the thought is usually a lot worse . but i found it easy . redness to skin for sure but no bad burns . it went roughly for 15 mins each time . and the skin darker brown after then now faded to natural colour.
yes it's all rather barbaric!! but i find not dwelling on is the best . too much info is bad too as half of it never happens . all the best !!! sending you a big hug . keryn

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the tiredness is a big thing i still deal with . it seems to hit you more a few months later . but i had six months of chemo before hand . so your body goes thru a lot .

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