Obese, diabetic with high BP; need help with food addiction

Posted by minda77 @minda77, Oct 4, 2016

Diagnosed 1 year ago. Can't take Metformin or Glipizide due to side effects. Felt like a zombie, could hardly do my work. Didn't make much difference in my levels as I am also a food addict. Weight at 312 (was 320 2 1/2 weeks ago). A1C at 10.2 and sugar was 345 on Saturday morning. Feel better off the Meds, actually walking and getting to the gym. I know a lot of this will get better if I lose the weight.
Anyone out there a food addict like myself? How are you coping?
Also would like to know if there are any vitamins that help with the high blood pressure or the diabetes since the meds only make it worse for me.
Thank you in advance for any help.

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I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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@contentandwell, JK that is a wonderful plan for whenever spring arrives in your area. Sunshine, gentle breeze, spring blossoms, and singing birds! We want to hear your experience.
Life is good!


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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Jk, I think you could end up falling in love with hiking. I just love being in the woods now. I go every chance I can. I do think it's nice to pick a park and just learn all the routes in the park.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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@rosemarya @ihatediabetes I'm not completely sure I will actually hike. It sounds like a big money commitment and if I don't end up doing it much it would be wasted. I may just end up using some of the walking trails around my town, I can use good athletic shoe for that and I have them already. I almost did it once before but my efforts got thwarted for some reason. There is a path that's supposed to be really nice down by the Merrimack River that can only be used during certain months because eagles nest there and they do not want them disturbed during their birthing season.
Oh, and the other thing -- I am not an outdoors person at all. Rather than walk in my neighborhood which many people do, I go to my club and walk the track. I hate bugs. Spring in NH is awful for that -- black fly season lasts about 6 weeks and they swarm around you. I am a city person, displaced in NH. I think it's in my genes because despite not having gone much to the city when my son and daughter were growing up, they both gravitated there -- one to NYC and the other to a town just outside of L.A.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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@contentandwell, @ihatediabetes, I think that walking on a walking trail with athletic shoes qualifies as a hike. I guess you could say a short hike-but feel free to call it a hike. Unplug from electronic devices. Listen, look, relax, and enjoy!! JK not everyone is geared to outdoor activities, just as we are not all geared to indoor activities 🙂
I'll share a secret! I do not like the bugs. I do not like the heat and the sweating and gobs of sunscreen. I do not like out-of-breath feeling on a mountain trail. Or the dirt. But for me, the reward is the view at the top. Most of my family and friends think I'm nuts!
Life is to precious to let others dictate our choices.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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@rosemarya Thanks for the encouragement. I am with you on your dislikes. I hate sunscreen but I guess it is now a necessary evil. I generally just avoid the sun and if out in the summer I sit in the shade. When my children were in grade school they swam on the town swim team. As as parent you had to do something to help out and I generally was a timer which of course entailed being out in the sun so I had to use sunscreen. We would get home with my two children starving for lunch but they had to wait until I showered the sunscreen off. YUCK.
We are going to Hawaii in the fall with our son and his girlfriend and have reserved a VRBO. I had to have a place with a view from a lanai so I could sit out and watch the ocean without actually being in the sun. I have already purchased two very large brimmed, packable sun hats.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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I actually like winter hiking precisely because there's no bugs. I think I can deal with Minnesota winter better because I am outside more. I used to go crazy inside for six months per year. Now I have snowshoes and poles and lots of layers to keep me warm. So I feel that as long as it's over 20 degrees then I am good to go. Today I put 4 miles on the local trail. I actually think that it gets easier once it's a habit. I don't like bugs but we have the deep woods bug spray that we use in summer. I definitely don't want to catch any ticks and Lymes disease. We are very careful about that. One big reason I got into hiking is type 2 diabetes and hiking has really helped. Also now that I have been hiking I found we can go hiking with other couples. My husband and one of his friends are planning a hiking trip to Washington or Oregon this September. We never did that before. We're going to stay in a lodge but go hiking during the day. I have to get more fit to keep up. The guys can do 10 miles per day. I can't right now but I hope to work up to it with training.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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Hi everybody, I'm off to my fly fishing class. It's 9am to 3pm. It's becoming an outdoors woman course. No charge. I think they know women need classes with only women to get accustomed to outside activities.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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Today I bought a rod, reel, and tackle box with some learn to fish gear. Stuff like hooks, bobbers, etc. I think I spent about $35. It's just enough to try to catch a fish. I do want to see if I can catch a fish and cook it.


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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@ihatediabetes You continually inspire me. Just maybe... 🙂


I definitely know about food addiction. I am 68, and over the years, I have lost more weight than I weigh right now. I put on weight after my first child, and more with my second. My family called me fat my whole life, but looking back at pictures, I never was a bit overweight. I did put on weight my senior year of high school, mom took me to her Dr, who was really obese, he gave me a diet to follow, and diet pills. I lost the weight, then met my husband. My first real weight loss was when Weight Watchers came to our area. I lost over 100#, then my husband, who was in the Air Force, got transferred, and I lost my support system, of the weekly meetings. The next time I joined Overeaters Anonymous, when they first got started, and lost the same over 100#. Then the group lost the meeting place, so I lost my support system again, and gained the weight back, again. Then, I started hearing about bariatric bypass, and had that done 7 years ago. I lost 60 pounds, then quit losing. I maintained that 210# for about 4 years, then was put on meds for nerve damage pain, and started to put it back on again. I'm at 235# now, and not happy about it. The doctors thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery, since I had managed to lose the weight twice, but they didn't realize that the reason I was able to do it was the weekly meetings, and I thought they would have more support than the once a month support group they provided.
If it was possible to undo the bypass surgery, I would. Actually, I wish I hadn't had it in the first place, because now my body doesn't absorb nutrients, so I have to take loads of vitamins, and am supposed to eat lots of protein, etc. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting a couple of times, but it has changed so much, it didn't help me any more.
So, I have pretty much given up. I try to eat the things that will help me lose the weight, but my husband expects me to cook him the foods he likes for dinner, when I would rather just have a salad, etc, but I don't know how to cook meals he likes, and not eat what he eats, like casseroles, hamburger helpers, etc, We end up with more leftovers than I can use as it is.
So now I pray and do the best I can. I know God doesn't want me to keep hating myself over this, so I take it a day at a time.
This is the first time I've seen this site, maybe it will help, hearing other food addicts share what they are dealing with.

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Hi @ihatediabetes, what fun! Let us know if you are able to catch and cook a fish. Following your posts is great. Keep the adventure going, we all enjoy reading about it. Teresa

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