food poisoning and effect on neuropathy

Posted by thurlibier @thurlibier, Nov 10, 2024

I have diabetic neuropathy in feet. Five days ago I had food poisoning. Since that time I can hardly move my feet to walk, my legs are extremely weak and I can't stand unaided.

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Sorry to hear you had food poisoning. I imagine that can cause a person to be extremely weak even if you don't have neuropathy. Getting food poisoning on top of neuropathy would seem to add to the pain and weakness. Hoping the effect goes away soon!


I had severe Champylobacter years ago which has caused Autonomic polyneuropathy (ANS). Being untreated T2 hasn't help either. ANS has taken over my life and runs a muck every moment of every day and nothing can be done about it, with no cure or treatment known.
So far it controls my entire digestive system permanently and randomly affects everything else from BP, eye sight, stability, brain fade, speach, memory and many more. I never know from day to day what and or which it will throw at me and I respond with days I can only sit it out, waiting for a better day tomorrow. I no longer have good days, it is now a matter of how bad the day might be. Generally I do OK and refuse to let it control me, not that I can influence it at all. Doesn't stop me trying to have some control. Fortunately the Diabetic neuropathy isn't too bad and I'm able to suck up the minimal pain in the limbs. I try to keep busy to ignore the problems, my ability to walk can be compromised at times, ranging from temporaryly paralysed, falling to the left with a leg that gets the impulse to step but doesn't and over I can go. The brain has adapted and can compensate rapidly issuing the instruction again to step that leg catching myself before hitting the ground.
As ANS controls my BP it can be a warning each day of what sort of day I might have ahead. The quality of the day deteriorates when the BP goes over 160/104. Around that figure it is managable but trying to keep it below 150/100 there is a better day to be had. Randomly it will fall to almost acceptable levels and the hours can be really good but don't last long enough for me!
The only respite I have found is to keep moving and busy, the consequences of this aren't great but doing little and the body tends to start seazing up leaving me stiff and unsteady.


There was I, smug knowing what to expect with ANS, more fool me. It just hit me with a new/alternative symptom today, I found it difficult to stay upright always falling to the right. Unusual in that it has always been to the left, up until now. The head is definitely in the clouds so to speak with a good dose of vertigo while the brain is still functioning as it usually does. Memory isn't too bad but it feels like I'm walking around in the mist. Time to sit down and try and relax until this one subsides.

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