Experience w/ watch and wait approach for metastatic liver tumor

Posted by splendrous @splendrous, Nov 1, 2024

I have grade 2, stage IV neuroendocrine tumor in the liver, KI-67 6-8%. 4x3.1 cm mass plus additional small tumors. Differentiated and non-functioning. No origin found. Assume GI track. No symptoms. Would like to know experience of others with watch and wait for growth before starting octreotide. Is there an advantage to understanding the growth characteristics prior to starting treatment, so wait till growth is seen and then start treatment. Does the tumor become immune to the treatment and ultimately it no longer restricts the growth? Thanks for sharing your experience.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.

You bring some interesting questions. The answers to those questions are not easy. We all seem to have a different journey from each other. In my case, I had symptoms. As soon as I had a diagnosis (Mesentery Nets) I started Lanreotide about a month later. That was May 2023 for me. Been on it ever since. I suspect your insurance company has a say in when you might start Octreotide. (an expensive drug).

Does the tumor become immune to the treatment? I think so. I think the cancer is always looking for a way to grow and a drug like Octreotide or Lanreotide can only work for so long. Eventually a more aggressive treatment and or surgery is needed unfortunately. That said many on here have grown to old age with Nets for many years. Stay positive, do the best you can each day. 🙂


I can't offer any advice but can empathize. Mine started in my small bowel in 2020 and was stage 4 before diagnosed. I currently have 2 tumors in my liver and just started Lanreotide about 3 months ago after finding metastasized tumors in both ovary's.
Struggling with symptoms and am hoping the chemo will help them subside some. Lots of stomach pain and lack of appetite. The first 2 shots seemed to help the symptoms but the third one not so much.
Having a MRI in Dec to see if tumors have grown and or should be removed. Not looking forward to another surgery. Thats the nature of the beast.
I found a highlight to the weight loss part. I eat what I want with no guilt 🙂 Ice cream seems to help with everything. If you need a cancer buddy I'm open.


I can't offer any advice but can empathize. Mine started in my small bowel in 2020 and was stage 4 before diagnosed. I currently have 2 tumors in my liver and just started Lanreotide about 3 months ago after finding metastasized tumors in both ovary's.
Struggling with symptoms and am hoping the chemo will help them subside some. Lots of stomach pain and lack of appetite. The first 2 shots seemed to help the symptoms but the third one not so much.
Having a MRI in Dec to see if tumors have grown and or should be removed. Not looking forward to another surgery. Thats the nature of the beast.
I found a highlight to the weight loss part. I eat what I want with no guilt 🙂 Ice cream seems to help with everything. If you need a cancer buddy I'm open.

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Thanks very: much for sharing. Were you taking any medications prior to Lanreotide three months ago? What scans and timing of scans have you been having since 2020?

Is the surgery being considered for the tumors in the ovaries or the liver?
Glad to be your cancer buddy. Where do you live? Hope the symptoms improve and you get a good report from your scan in Dec.


No meds before Lanreotide. I have had yearly CAT scans. The annual scan this year showed the lesions in my ovaries. Was referred to GYN Oncologist for that and she recommended removing ovaries but I could have it all removed so I did.
Have had a few PET scans, one 6 months after original surgery , one in 2022 (had a scare but nothing lit up), and another scan after the Hysterectomy. The most recent scan lit up in my liver in quad's 7 and 8. Had an MRI to get a better look at the tumors to get a baseline I guess. Started the Lanreotide in September.
I live in Kentucky, Its good to talk to someone else with the same crud.
Do you currently have any symptoms?


Thanks for the update. It is helpful to know how things evolve. So tumors were identified in your small bowel in 2020 and you had surgery to remove them. What organ had they moved to and were classified as stage IV at that initial diagnosis? Was that the liver or were the liver nets just found this year? Was there any discussion in 2020 on potentially starting any treatments on a monthly basis? Do you know what grade your cancer is? What might they consider removing depending on how the Dec MRI looks?

You have had a lot to take care of. I am fortunate that my tumors are considered non functioning and do not produce symptoms. They are grade 2 so do grow faster than grade 1. I am having an MRI in a few weeks for a baseline that I am told is helpful if there is a surgery in the future. I also will have a catscan in Dec to see how things have changed since the initial diagnosis in Sept.

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