Hello, @beebee
I do not know what you can expect, but imagine your thinking is in the right ball park. I base this on the experience of one patient, myself. I experienced post-menopausal spotting in December 2021. A gyn did a transvaginal ultrasound which showed a slightly thickened endometrial lining, and on exam found and removed a benign cervical polyp. After that I had no further spotting. Almost a year to the day later I had some more spotting. I joked it was my "time of the year." At that time, I expected the gyn to repeat the previous year's procedure. This time she recommended a hysteroscopy before I even saw her, getting me in a month later, during which cancerous tissue was extracted. I do not know what prompted her to raise my level of care (a second occurrence of spotting? the fact that I reported that a sibling had died 5 months previously of endometrial cancer? something else?), but I am grateful the cancer was found at a point at which it was removed completely by the hysteroscopy. Because of it, though, and them not knowing the extent of growth or whether there might be other tumors in parts of the uterus that were not reached by the curettage completed during the hysteroscopy, the only treatment plan recommended was total hysterectomy, oophorectomy, salpingotomy and bilateral sentinal node biopsies. No further malignancy was found for me during that procedure. As upset as I was at the time to learn that this was the best option medical science could offer, I feel profoundly blessed to have had this caught so early and to have this group as a resource, in part, to remind me of the value of living in the present.
I imagine other members of this group will have had similar or different experiences and can share their experiences and thoughts as well. Waiting, and enduring uncertainty, are two very challenging experiences for me. I will be thinking of you as you wait to meet with your GYN NP (underrated professionals, in my book) and hope that they are able to give you a clear sense of pathways forward for you and that you ultimately receive good care with excellent outcomes.
I wish you
Wow! You really dodged a bullet. I thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. It looks like I should insist on a hysterscopy to rule out things the ultrasound would miss. My Mom did have a D&C at about my age but did not write down the findings. I only found out about the procedure after her death (from other causes) when I was reviewing her paperwork.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words:)