Hip revision, metallosis, and peripheral neuropathy

Posted by jimplanner1 @jimplanner1, Nov 3, 2024

I had my left hip replaced in 2008 (Zimmer Trilogy), and all went well until just over three years later when I began to experience hip and groin pain. Initially, the surgeon felt all was fine, and that x-rays showed a "textbook" hip replacement. The pain worsened until the surgeon finally decided he was going to "fix" the issue by replacing the ball or liner. The subsequent surgical report related a pseudo tumor under significant pressure (which burst in surgery), corrosion and fretting at the morse taper, a "thick prurient" fluid, and locking ring failure. He told me that I had an infection. All of this led to a revision in 2012. Immediately after the revision I began having bilateral leg pain diagnosed as severe peripheral neuropathy, which has now been with me for 12 years. I have had any number of treatments - ivic infusions, ketamine infusions, spinal cord stimulator (which did not help, and was removed), calmare treatments, and various prescriptions (none of which helped). I have also had 5 spinal surgeries, all of which were successful. But, I will always contend that the medical device manufacturer is to blame for the hip failure and ultimate revision. I never had any blood tests to detect cobalt and chromium levels. I'm wondering if my thinking is on point, or if it is just coincidental that the neuropathy appeared as all of the hip problems occurred.

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@jimplanner1 Welcome to Mayo Connect, even though it is under these unhappy circumstances. I too was the victim of a metal-on-metal hip implant and developed severe metallosis, in spite of the surgeon repeatedly telling me I was fine. Fortunately, my implant was the subject of an FDA recall, and he was required to give me a letter instructing me to get my metal levels checked. That led to revision on both hips, and over a year of medical complications, but fortunately no neuropathy - Just a lifelong tremor and broken thermostat.

Your surgeon was at best disingenuous, and possibly worse, when he described his findings as "an infection" as it was well-known by that time that pseudo-tumors, corrosion and fluid were signs of metallosis. He should have ordered blood tests or tissue examinations.

Here is a recent update on the known after-effects of this problem - neuropathy is on the list of known issues:
And here is more about neuropathy after metallosis:
Who paid for your revision? Were you ever party to one of the numerous class-action lawsuits?


@jimplanner1 Welcome to Mayo Connect, even though it is under these unhappy circumstances. I too was the victim of a metal-on-metal hip implant and developed severe metallosis, in spite of the surgeon repeatedly telling me I was fine. Fortunately, my implant was the subject of an FDA recall, and he was required to give me a letter instructing me to get my metal levels checked. That led to revision on both hips, and over a year of medical complications, but fortunately no neuropathy - Just a lifelong tremor and broken thermostat.

Your surgeon was at best disingenuous, and possibly worse, when he described his findings as "an infection" as it was well-known by that time that pseudo-tumors, corrosion and fluid were signs of metallosis. He should have ordered blood tests or tissue examinations.

Here is a recent update on the known after-effects of this problem - neuropathy is on the list of known issues:
And here is more about neuropathy after metallosis:
Who paid for your revision? Were you ever party to one of the numerous class-action lawsuits?

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I had TH replacement in 04…in ‘20, had rev. due to pseudo tumor..I had no idea how serious it was…my cobal, chromium & cadmium levels have decreased, but my brain (memory) is shot. I’m at wits end…I’d like to know what to do now…I can’t even keep up w/ daily chores anymore. Crying because I feel like such a failure to my 2 boys. It’s hard when they have to tell their friends, “she has metal poisoning, so she doesn’t remember a lot “.
I feel like such a burden to my family.


I had TH replacement in 04…in ‘20, had rev. due to pseudo tumor..I had no idea how serious it was…my cobal, chromium & cadmium levels have decreased, but my brain (memory) is shot. I’m at wits end…I’d like to know what to do now…I can’t even keep up w/ daily chores anymore. Crying because I feel like such a failure to my 2 boys. It’s hard when they have to tell their friends, “she has metal poisoning, so she doesn’t remember a lot “.
I feel like such a burden to my family.

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I'm sorry, Tina, that revision wasn't a cure for your problems. I was left with a few permanent reminders of my journey with metallosis, including a nasty tremor, which seems to be getting worse. I finally saw a neurologist who was able to prescribe medication taht helps some.

Have you consulted a neurologist about your memory issues?


I did for about 8 mo., he was treating my pain & my neck issues. I went to see him for the Reg med visit & he lost his mind. Started yelling at me & took me off ALL meds. I haven’t really left the house since. I realize, it’s like my synapses just stopped “working”?
Si, I haven’t had the courage to try to find any one else


I’m sorry to hear about your tremors


@jimplanner1 Welcome to Mayo Connect, even though it is under these unhappy circumstances. I too was the victim of a metal-on-metal hip implant and developed severe metallosis, in spite of the surgeon repeatedly telling me I was fine. Fortunately, my implant was the subject of an FDA recall, and he was required to give me a letter instructing me to get my metal levels checked. That led to revision on both hips, and over a year of medical complications, but fortunately no neuropathy - Just a lifelong tremor and broken thermostat.

Your surgeon was at best disingenuous, and possibly worse, when he described his findings as "an infection" as it was well-known by that time that pseudo-tumors, corrosion and fluid were signs of metallosis. He should have ordered blood tests or tissue examinations.

Here is a recent update on the known after-effects of this problem - neuropathy is on the list of known issues:
And here is more about neuropathy after metallosis:
Who paid for your revision? Were you ever party to one of the numerous class-action lawsuits?

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Yes, I believe my doctor was disingenuous. In fact, he never mentioned the pseudonymous, fretting, corrosion, or locking ring failure. I only discovered these things months later, when I requested the surgical report from the hospital. I filed an inquiry with Zimmerman, and they denied any responsibility. Additionally, I contacted numerous attorneys - to no avail. Even though my symptoms were identical to the Durom Cup, there weren’t enough incidents to initiate a lawsuit. Now, all these years later, the statute of limitations has passed. I will forever believe they have damaged my health, but apparently there is nothing to be done. Am I bitter? Probably. But otherwise my life is good, so que sera…


I did for about 8 mo., he was treating my pain & my neck issues. I went to see him for the Reg med visit & he lost his mind. Started yelling at me & took me off ALL meds. I haven’t really left the house since. I realize, it’s like my synapses just stopped “working”?
Si, I haven’t had the courage to try to find any one else

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Tina, I know how that feels - I had two different specialists (two different health issues) do that to me. But I knew they had a problem, but I still needed help to deal with my health, so I went back to my other docs and got assistance finding new providers.

Can you talk to someone about helping you to find a new doc? Either your primary, or a friend or family member? Please, don't give up - you deserve to have a life, and your family deserves to have their Mom back as best as she can be.


I actually got with a “patient nurse care” thru our insurance…she sounded young, & genuinely empathetic. I talked w/ her twice after initial visit, & she seemed to drop off the face of the earth. After that, there was another who was in from the beginning…I told her what happened. I fear I won’t hear from anyone again (from ins)…this actually happened to me rite after rev surgery. Never to be heard from again.
This is NOT acceptable, especially paying as much as we do to have ins. I’m just so miserable to go thru it again…especially since my memory isn’t like it used to be.
I feel like my family would be much better if I wasn’t around (since my kids try to steer clear). I don’t blame them.
It must be hard to watch their mother deteriorate so quickly.


I will try to find another neuro. And maybe an orthopedic 🤷‍♀️


I DO wanna share this with everyone who.is in the same boat regarding metallosis….a Dr. told me he had a patient who was doing a ,title better taking NAC. I’ve been taking it for awhile…maybe it takes longer, plus I forget at times. I just remembered, & figured who knows…it may help some may not.

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