I don't know what to do anymore
Year after year of health issues starting from age 6. I'm so freaking exhausted of everything. I've described my other symptoms in other forums, to doctors, in journal entries, sticky notes, phone memos, and google searches ad nauseum so I'm not going to repeat them here for my own sanity. Biggest issues are severe fatigue and pain. It gets worse every day. I've been to so many doctors and after the last of my most recent bout of tests came back my doc is of course out of office the rest of the week. We've talked about Mayo before but I don't know if it's really an option. I have Medicaid, Mayo is out of state, I can't pay, I'm disabled without a diagnosis or officially recognized disability. Unless they have some sort of financial assistance/housing/living stipend for patients or something it's not an option. Whatever this is has sabotaged my life and I really am at my wit's end with the rigamarole of "we'd like to help but we don't have time" or "we'd like to help but we have run out of tests" or "we just don't know what's wrong." It's been 20 years. I know something is wrong and it is still getting worse. I come from a family of mysterious undiagnosable and complicated disabling health issues. Rheum doesn't schedule until January. Been to GI, cardio, ER, urgent care, psychiatry, therapy, sleep medicine, functional and integrative medicine. Tried meds up the whazoo. All horrendous weird side effects with very, very few exceptions. Been to regular appointments. Blood, urine, and imaging. Rule out a lot of big stuff. But still no answers. I don't know how much more of this I can take. The restless legs are unbearable without copious amounts of salt, I'm taking ibuprofen and acteaminophen every day just to sleep, the iron makes everything hurt even worse the fatigue is too, brain fog is especially bad but if I try to decrease the dose I can't sleep or relax because of the restlessness. Been on iron for months. I feel it is urgent considering how rapidly I have been deteriorating, but no one seems to be able to help. A lot of "Huh, I don't know what it could be. Maybe you should see someone else." And then I do. And years pass and I get worse and nothing changes. I just want to know that there is help, answers SOMEwhere, and I'm not going to have to wait months or years to get there. I applied for an appointment at Mayo today but I'm not optimistic. I try to be positive but literally nothing has worked.
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I’m glad your brother is receiving what he needs. Most people get a back payment from the day to the day you become a social security number. The back pay is normal. They will pay you back the amount since they first wrongfully denied you.
I received a small amount because I was not out on workers comp. I lived on my wife’s pension.
Now I’ve been on SSDI for over 10 years with no deductible or copays. Pre existing conditions included. No junk insurance like an advantage plan. They may hook you by promising all kinds of benefits but after a year or so money goes to shareholders
Yes the only “advantage” is to the provider. I was in Kaiser advantage for several years. I didn't know how bad it was until I got sick. I could not get appointments in a timely fashion, care was minimal, and I was kept captive from seeking help elsewhere! A total nightmare. I finally got out of it, but you do have to wait for the “window” when you can change your Medicare plan. Now I have regular Medicare with secondary insurance. It is much better, though navigating the healthcare system is still difficult.
At least I can seek help wherever I want.
This is what I live by:# just because the world may end tomorrow I still plant a tree today, it's just a way to stay hopeful I too have a quality of life that seems hopeless, but faith and hope keeps the presveranc going daily keep your head up
You can message me.. I feel it all the time.. searching for faith and hope still after six long atrocious years that I thought I had tried everything.. yet cannot find any answers and it is getting worse.
God is with you.