Low-dose Naltrexone for lower back pain

Posted by billweigle @billweigle, Feb 2, 2024

I have had low back pain for several years. It is at its worst when I get up in the morning. The only med that is currently working is tramadol 100 mg. If I take it when I get up and then use cold and heat on my back occasionally throughout the day and perhaps lie down with my legs propped up I can manage the pain though it does not go away. I want to get off tramadol and any other opioids. After reading online about low-dose Naltrexone being effective as an off-label use, I found a doctor who was familiar with it and got a prescription from a compounding pharmacy. I haven't taken it yet as the doctor said I should not take it along with tramadol. Also, tramadol works in 1-2 hours whereas I have read that Naltrexone may take many days, and I don't know how long I want to go without the tramadol while I am waiting to see if the Naltrexone will be effective in relieving the lower back pain. I would like to hear if anyone has experience with low-dose Naltrexone for lower back pain relief.

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I have been taking low dose naltrexone for about 3 years. I can't say it is the answer to my pain relief, but it does help. I am 84 years old. I am on the blood thinner, Eliquis, and cannot take any NSAIDS. I take the naltrexone at night and take 2 tylenol extra strength in the morning. I can function but have to sit down after being up and active for about 30 minutes. Rest a bit and I can go again. What I don't like about low dose naltrexone is that NO pain reliever will work when you are taking it. I had a very painful gallbladder attack, went to the ER where they gave me heavy a pain reliever. When I felt no relief and reminded them of that medication, they checked it and said, yeah, naltrexone makes any/all opioids, which are the best heavy duty pain relievers, null and void.....they do not work. And naltrexone stays in your body a long time. I knew I was to have a dermological biopsy and quit the naltrexone 3 days before. But the lidocaine he used was ineffective and I felt every numbing shot, cut and stitch. I very much want off this drug but when I quit it the pain is too bad and I go back on it. If anyone knows of any other pain reliever that people on blood thinners can take, I would be very interested in knowing what it is. By the way, the low dose naltrexone was prescribed by a pain management doctor.


Good morning:) I also began LDN .50 close to 3 weeks ago. After close to 2 weeks of insomnia with a level of pain relief, the insomnia is gone & I’ve noticed my rebound to feeling better after an episode is sooner. I did lots of research on this medication as I am highly sensitive to all meds. You may want to look at the LDN Trust
Best of luck to you - chronic pain is such a challenge.


Thank you so much, this is very helpful. I agree, many Drs just prescribe it now without knowing all the ins and outs from experienced patients. I'm willing to keep trying as I've heard great results can happen over time, as you said. I will dial it back and go slowly though. I have to be patient but hopefully, it's worth it. Plaquenil had the same effect on me, I didn't know it was working until I stopped taking it and after 3 months went by I realized I was back to a higher pain level without it. It's subtle so I do know how that goes and will now think about that with LDN. Thanks for this advice, it's more valuable than anything I've heard from Drs so far.
Do you have any specific research articles or sites that have been the most helpful? I've read a lot but clearly there's more out there. Again, many thanks. I hope you are well.

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At the time, 10ish years ago, there was a yahoo group about LDN. There was so little known about it that it was it was a great group they were even chemists on it. There were tons and tons and tons of information and if you go online there's still places that you will find so much so much information especially about other illnesses that it's been known to treat.

It's really just good for all autoimmune disorders. There are stories of people cured of Parkinson's and Curative Ms and all kinds of things I don't know any of those people but people would ride in on that Yahoo group that that was their experience even people that were quote unquote Cured of certain cancers.

Now that stuff I take from where it came but aftee enpugh conversations with this chemist who yook it and a pharmacist in FL who was on it, very smart people, I just take it.

It's funny you know I'm off it right now because I'm on tramadol but also I'm on prednisone. I wonder if my pain would be better than it is if I came off of the prednisone which doesn't seem to be helping at all, and maybe even the Tramadol and just go back on the LDN.

This is one thing I know for certain. I have hashimoto's which is an autoimmune hypothyroid issue. LDN helps regulate your adrenal gland. Prior to LDN, I always for years took synthroid 2.5, since LDN, I only need 1 (microgram whatever the measurement is. 1 controls my tsh etc where is alway took a dosage of 2.5

so now because I don't take LDN and I do take Tramadol I am watching and betting the next time I have my TSH and thyroid hormones done it's going to be high! LDN definitely helps regulate my thyroid hormones! My best.

And when the time comes for me to go back on I'll go back on slowly also but not as slowly as I did at the start and I will stop at 3 for a long while. I have proof that it's working for me as it does affect my blood work for thyroid.

So if you have thyroid disorder and you start taking LDN make sure that you keep having your thyroid level checked every 6 or 12 months because it will shift - if its autoimmune. Be bold.


Good morning:) I also began LDN .50 close to 3 weeks ago. After close to 2 weeks of insomnia with a level of pain relief, the insomnia is gone & I’ve noticed my rebound to feeling better after an episode is sooner. I did lots of research on this medication as I am highly sensitive to all meds. You may want to look at the LDN Trust
Best of luck to you - chronic pain is such a challenge.

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I started LDN at a very low dose for fibromyalgia. I started with 1/4 of a .50mg tablet. When I reached taking one .50mg tablet a day, I started having bad insomnia, so stopped taking it. I am trying again and will try to keep on it and see if my insomnia goes away in a couple weeks (hopefully).


Thank you so much, this is very helpful. I agree, many Drs just prescribe it now without knowing all the ins and outs from experienced patients. I'm willing to keep trying as I've heard great results can happen over time, as you said. I will dial it back and go slowly though. I have to be patient but hopefully, it's worth it. Plaquenil had the same effect on me, I didn't know it was working until I stopped taking it and after 3 months went by I realized I was back to a higher pain level without it. It's subtle so I do know how that goes and will now think about that with LDN. Thanks for this advice, it's more valuable than anything I've heard from Drs so far.
Do you have any specific research articles or sites that have been the most helpful? I've read a lot but clearly there's more out there. Again, many thanks. I hope you are well.

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I suggest you see LDNResearchTrust.org for lots of good info. They also run a Facebook group that can be helpful.

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