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Managing diabetes and cancer treatments

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Oct 11, 2016 | Replies (10)

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This is my 1st time here. I have metastatic breast cancer and I am seeking suggestions on what to do to keep my sugar under control. My low is averaging about 150, depending on what I eat, my high can go up to 250. This seems very complicated, am I going to have to go to a class to understand?

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Replies to "This is my 1st time here. I have metastatic breast cancer and I am seeking suggestions..."

I also have metastatic breast cancer. I would be interested in finding out when you were diagnosed and what course/courses of treatment you are getting. I was on anastrozol and arimedex for almost three years but recently was take off that and now get Faslodex injections. My tumor markers are going up and not sure what the next plan of action will be. Also get xgeva shots. Thanks in advance.

I was diagnosed with Stage IV in April 2015. I started with 30 days radiation to my back & neck in May. Starting in Aug, every 3 wks I had 4 harsh IV chemos, lost all my hair, (I now have thick curly hair).
After that they put me on Letrozol and Infinitor. I also get the Faslodex & Xgeva shots every 4 wks. My cancer counts go up & down. Mine are at 269, they went down from last month. I see my Dr. every 4 wks and also get my shots.

@wandering and @barnum, I invite you both to also take part in the discussions happening in the Breast Cancer group https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/breast-cancer/

barmum: Thanks for the information. I met with my oncologist yesterday. My tumor markers were up and he is looking into a daily pill (not sure of the name). The bad news is the pill costs $10,000 per month (WOW) and he's not sure if it will be covered. I obviously cannot afford that so we need to work on something else. If my tumor markers don't go up next month he won't change my meds. Unfortunately I will be going to Arizona next month so the timing for all of this is poor. Planning on changing my doctor in Arizona (currently using Mayo). Don't need to go into detail but am definitely looking elsewhere.

I live in Az. When I had to stop work I applied for medicaid, they approved it, I am guessing cause I am terminal. I don't know your circumstances but maybe apply. Can't hurt. They pay for your medical, as expensive as everything is, you get great care. But I guess places like Mayo doesn't honor medicaid. I go to Tucson for my care. Good luck with everything. Wait until you get to Az cause if you get it in Az it is only good in Az. If it wasn't for them I would probably die as expensive as medicines are.

Just be patient with yourself as it is not easy . . . it's one day at a time and sometimes - it's one hour at a time. Take care