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Just going to play devil's advocate here for a minute...aside from the current issue of insurance coverage for additional tests, MOST patients want an "instant answer" - as in, I walk out with a prescription in my hand. They do not want to hear "we'll send in this sample and call you in a week."

So, most doctors do just that. Even today, I am often appalled when antibiotics are demanded and given for what are clearly viral illnesses, even without seeing the patient. Recently, we did a culture and "watch and wait" with my grandson for a week before his Mom and I were convinced he needed antibiotic.

This past year, I had 3 staph (not MRSA) infections in wounds. After the first course of antibiotics each time. I insisted on a culture - two out of 3 times, a different med was prescribed that cured the infection. Each doc pushed back, saying X was the drug of choice, broad-spectrum, just needed more time... I stood my ground and got what I needed.

But I suppose if it works "most of the time" there is little reason to change their practice.
That's why we patients need to be informed consumers of health care.

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Replies to "Just going to play devil's advocate here for a minute...aside from the current issue of insurance..."

Sue- Was going to ask you questions about the culture tests but I woke up and said to myself, I could look my questions up.
One answer I found, MAC can also be found in an open wound besides other types of infections. WoW.
So much to know and learn for the average person. Thank goodness for Mayo and the internet's reliable sites...Mayo, Cleveland Clinic etc. etc.