Where would they inject the Botox to treat PN of the feet? The nerves in the feet and toes are pretty small which is why they are effected so badly by DM.
Unfortunately, IMO, each state makes their own rules re Rx of opioid, and it's a mess. It's the political rebound from the illicit drug use/unscrupulous practices of prescription meds layered upon the use of illegal drugs. Chronic pain patients have been dumped in many places. Colorado was actually a better case for my husband to re eive care. The southeast USA is a nightmare. In Colorado he could get a 90 day rx, see doc in person every 6 months IIRC. In other states it's every 30 days and jump through hoops, getting the pharmacy to fill. Have to call.and chat with our lovely pharmacist every day of renewal, to verify it will go through. Same dose of 20 mg per day for 15 years, never abused the meds or the system.
Yeah each state has its own rules, and the Drs need to be very careful, sometimes too careful. It's sad really because the majority of people who need these drugs have a difficult time getting them. Purdue Pharmaceutical did a huge disservice, criminal actually, in producing these drugs by the millions. They were overprescribed and incredibly addictive. Many lives were lost, others ruined. And fentanyl is an incredibly dangerous drug that should only be used according to a Dr's prescription and supervision.
Some common sense is in order. It's a lot like abortion where barbaric rules endanger the health of women. And again, each state has its on byzantine rules.
I realize that's cold comfort for people who truly need help.
Yes. I went into Serotonin Syndrome due to pain clinic missing the Pristiq I was taking. After telling pain clinic tgree times why they where confused as to why. Be careful with this patch. Sadly now I cannot get off Opiods without it.
And if you stay on buprenorphine long enough there will be withdrawal symptoms from that drug if you should stop taking it suddenly. It's still better than being addicted to other opioids.
Yeah each state has its own rules, and the Drs need to be very careful, sometimes too careful. It's sad really because the majority of people who need these drugs have a difficult time getting them. Purdue Pharmaceutical did a huge disservice, criminal actually, in producing these drugs by the millions. They were overprescribed and incredibly addictive. Many lives were lost, others ruined. And fentanyl is an incredibly dangerous drug that should only be used according to a Dr's prescription and supervision.
Some common sense is in order. It's a lot like abortion where barbaric rules endanger the health of women. And again, each state has its on byzantine rules.
I realize that's cold comfort for people who truly need help.
Yeah the people who needed to be punished are still in business, while the people who need legitimate pain relief have to beg. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
Botox was originally used to treat over perspiration as well as cosmetic reasons. Some doctors found that their cosmetic surgery patients using Botox had fewer headaches, thus it’s use in headache treatment.
Where would they inject the Botox to treat PN of the feet? The nerves in the feet and toes are pretty small which is why they are effected so badly by DM.
My understanding is that Botox is normally used to treat inflammation.
Yeah each state has its own rules, and the Drs need to be very careful, sometimes too careful. It's sad really because the majority of people who need these drugs have a difficult time getting them. Purdue Pharmaceutical did a huge disservice, criminal actually, in producing these drugs by the millions. They were overprescribed and incredibly addictive. Many lives were lost, others ruined. And fentanyl is an incredibly dangerous drug that should only be used according to a Dr's prescription and supervision.
Some common sense is in order. It's a lot like abortion where barbaric rules endanger the health of women. And again, each state has its on byzantine rules.
I realize that's cold comfort for people who truly need help.
And if you stay on buprenorphine long enough there will be withdrawal symptoms from that drug if you should stop taking it suddenly. It's still better than being addicted to other opioids.
Amazing how the federal gov'ts war on drugs turned out.
Yeah the people who needed to be punished are still in business, while the people who need legitimate pain relief have to beg. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
Botox was originally used to treat over perspiration as well as cosmetic reasons. Some doctors found that their cosmetic surgery patients using Botox had fewer headaches, thus it’s use in headache treatment.