Depression is very normal after finding out about a cancer diagnosis, and you can also add post-operative depression to that, "double-whammy" so to speak. Our minds play serious tricks on us and we are our own worst critics. We are unbelievably harsh on ourselves and tend to go down the "stinkin' thinkin'" path far to frequently. Antidepressants do help a lot. Unfortunately, they take a few weeks to kick in.
You are a young man, compared to me (71). I am 9 weeks post-op and lost one side of the nerves in the surgery. I have not used Viagra, yet, but I did order a penis pump which gets me to about 95% erection. I had my first orgasm two days ago. Kind of wimpy one, but you knew it was an orgasm. I have been told they get better the farther away you are from surgery.
DO NOT GIVE UP. If a 71-year-old man with 1/2 the nerves can do it, you are definitely going to outshine me.
Also, keep coming back here for updates and support. 🙂
Has anyone on here have a 4.1 accending aorta aneurysm. If so were you advise not to use cialis or viagra.