What to expect the day of low-dose Prostate Brachytherapy? Recovery?

Posted by frankstags @frankstags, Oct 27, 2024

Can anyone comment on what I can expect the day of LDR Prostate Brachytherapy? Also the recovery process the following week or two?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

If you haven't already discovered it, there's an excellent video detailing the LDR brachytherapy process on the PCRI website by Drs. Kurtzman and Agarwal. Alternatively, you can hunt it down on YouTube.

I had 63 seeds placed about three weeks ago and start IMRT tomorrow. Also, I'm about two and a half months into taking Orgovyx. The side effects so far are as advertised....tolerable but undeniable.

Good luck should you decide to pursue this venue.


I had LDR in December 2019. Day of surgery was not too painful. I had 73 seeds planted inside my prostate. The drive home was uncomfortable but bearable. Once at home, I took pain meds for a few days then was back to work in 4 days. I would get fatigued in the afternoons and that lasted for a few months. Biggest issue for me was needing to urinate about every 2-3 hours and slow stream so it took a while to drain my bladder. Unfortunately my cancer has spread to my lymph nodes now so I'm now stage 4 and have had radiation and just finished 8 months of Lupron (ADT).
I hope this helps and good luck.


@frankstags, you may also be interested in these related discussions:
- Low dose brachytherapy long term side effect risk
- Brachytherapy? Anyone have thoughts?
Fellow members @octopuss @johalla @robertmizek @prostatecancer123 may have experiences to add.

@frankstags, have you had the brachy seeds placed yet? How are you doing?

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