After surgery and chemo what is the followup procedure?

Posted by constantinos @constantinos, Nov 3, 2024

For the next two years after breast surgery and chemo what is the nominal procedure which involces Ultra-sound, MRI, CT etc and how often?

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That would be very specific to the type breast cancer you had. You mentioned triple negative apocrine cancer in an earlier post, is this what you’re looking for follow up on?
The Mayo Clinic has multiple resources - here’s one that has info about follow up care, what is available, and more.


That would be very specific to the type breast cancer you had. You mentioned triple negative apocrine cancer in an earlier post, is this what you’re looking for follow up on?
The Mayo Clinic has multiple resources - here’s one that has info about follow up care, what is available, and more.

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Yes that one.The reference wasn't helpful.


Yes that one.The reference wasn't helpful.

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Oh I’m sorry. It seemed so comprehensive. Have you searched on the web for good researched info?


I am five years out, so trying to remember first couple of years.
Two years after treatment (lumpectomy, two lymph nodes positive, chemo and radiation) I think I was still having both mammograms and MRIs. every 6 months. I was being followed at Mayo and they typically do not do CTs or ultrasound for screening unless there is something they are concerned about. Around that time, I went from seeing the oncologist twice a year to once a year. A couple times I thought I felt a lump, and they immediately did ultrasound, but it was scar tissue.

For years 3-5, I would have MRIs and mammograms once a year and still do follow up visits with oncologist yearly.

At 5 year mark, my oncologist referred me back to primary with instructions for follow up screenings. Due to dense breast, I alternate every 6 months between mammograms and MRIs.

That is my experience, it will vary for each patient and medical facility.


I am five years out, so trying to remember first couple of years.
Two years after treatment (lumpectomy, two lymph nodes positive, chemo and radiation) I think I was still having both mammograms and MRIs. every 6 months. I was being followed at Mayo and they typically do not do CTs or ultrasound for screening unless there is something they are concerned about. Around that time, I went from seeing the oncologist twice a year to once a year. A couple times I thought I felt a lump, and they immediately did ultrasound, but it was scar tissue.

For years 3-5, I would have MRIs and mammograms once a year and still do follow up visits with oncologist yearly.

At 5 year mark, my oncologist referred me back to primary with instructions for follow up screenings. Due to dense breast, I alternate every 6 months between mammograms and MRIs.

That is my experience, it will vary for each patient and medical facility.

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I am post 5 years and oncologist strongly suggested I continue taking Anastrazole. I did that so I did long enter what the facility calls the Survivor program and stay active with chemo department for scans and follow ups. It truly depends on your type of cancer and what current research is telling them. I had ER+ breast cancer and staying on Anastrazole for another 5 years puts my risk of recurrence at levels near what the risk of a woman who has never had breast cancer er of getting it. My risk is slightly higher but not by much. I tolerate the Anastrazole well, get lots of physical activity it’s, have lost a lot of weight and have a very healthy diet now. Many variables for many patients and rapidly developing research changes recommendations for each type of breast cancer. Definitely NOT a one size fits all plan ever!


You need to ask your Doctor/oncologist. All
Of us are different.


Different doctors have different protocols. I had AI's, lumpectomy, chemo, radiation. Stage 3. First oncologist recommended 3 month checkups with lab, annual mammograms and chest xray, AI's for 5 years. Second oncologist, different hospital system recommended 6 month checkups, annual labs, breast exam, mammogram, no chest xray, AI's for 5 years. I had 7 positive lymph nodes.

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