Anyone treated with Adstiladrin for BCG-unresponsive bladder cancer?

Posted by DAVID B. @davidpball, Jul 22, 2024

Does anyone have experience with adstiladrin for treatment of BCG refractive NMIBC?

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Hi @davidpball, I expanded the title of your discussion to hopefully attract more responses. As you likely know, Adstiladrin (nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg) was recently approved for bladder cancer. It is a gene therapy currently used for adult patients with high-risk Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-unresponsive non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC).

David, is Adstiladrin a treatment option for you?


Hi @davidpball, I expanded the title of your discussion to hopefully attract more responses. As you likely know, Adstiladrin (nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg) was recently approved for bladder cancer. It is a gene therapy currently used for adult patients with high-risk Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-unresponsive non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC).

David, is Adstiladrin a treatment option for you?

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Yes, I am scheduled to receive a first dose of Adstiladrin.


Yes, I am scheduled to receive a first dose of Adstiladrin.

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I received a first dose of Adstiladrin on 7/26/24. Side effects during first 24 hours included fever, chills, body aches, and fatigue, which abated after 72 hours. I will schedule a blue light cystoscopy in about eight weeks to assess progress against NMIBC/CIS.


Just had cystoscopy after having cancer scraped out of bladder and 6 BCG treatments. Cancer is back and Dr. wants to do everything again. Wondering why he thinks it will work this time if not first time. Anyone else have the BCG more than once? What is Adstiladrin? Is this a Trial or approved treatment? Success rate? Good luck to us all.


Since my initial diagnosis and Surgery on Nov 2021, I've had 4 reoccurances of Low grade, low stage non muscle invasive bladder cancer. I was told from the start there's a 65% chance it comes back. I keep getting 3 bcg treatments every 6 months. In total I've received 21 to 24 of those. On my next cysto in Oct I'm gonna ask about this new treatment. On all of those reoccurances, they were able to remove them at the office thru the scope.


I received a first dose of Adstiladrin on 7/26/24. Side effects during first 24 hours included fever, chills, body aches, and fatigue, which abated after 72 hours. I will schedule a blue light cystoscopy in about eight weeks to assess progress against NMIBC/CIS.

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How is Adstiladrin administered? Is it just a one time treatment?


Adstiladrin is administered intravesically via catheter and retained in the bladder for one hour. Cystoscopy is scheduled 6-8 weeks later, followed by another treatment every three months if results are favorable.


Just had cystoscopy after having cancer scraped out of bladder and 6 BCG treatments. Cancer is back and Dr. wants to do everything again. Wondering why he thinks it will work this time if not first time. Anyone else have the BCG more than once? What is Adstiladrin? Is this a Trial or approved treatment? Success rate? Good luck to us all.

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@rjlpool502 You are correct to question your doctor's recommendation as to why he feels it might work this time. Taking charge of your medical care is necessary to receive the best of care. Perhaps a second opinion at this point? Adstiladrin was recently approved for bladder cancer that is nonresponsive to BCG and non muscle invasive. I would certainly ask your doctor about it. I don't know the percentages of success/failure, sorry. Good luck to you and remember that a second opinion, especially from a large cancer center or referral hospital is a valuable tool. My husband was unable to try this treatment as it was not approved yet, and now lives with a neobladdder, but so far cancer free.


How is Adstiladrin administered? Is it just a one time treatment?

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My husband just had it. Administered same way as BCG, thru a catheter into the bladder.
Best of luck.


My husband had Adstiladrin last week. 6 days ago. He is having significant fatigue, headache, chills, fever and body ache.
Has anyone here had those symptoms, and if so, how long did they go on?
Thank you.

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