Trying to choose supplements carefully
I’m still working on getting a supplement regime going that makes sense. I’m wondering about algaecal - their website makes some pretty big claims. Anybody have verifiable results on algaecal?
Would anyone like to share what all you're taking, for what reason and did you see actual results?
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I’m still taking 4000IU per day.
Heading into New England winter and don’t want to lose the momentum.
For what it’s worth I met with a nutritionist this year and she thought my daily D3, K2 and magnesium regimen was optimal.
@londonex I am actually afraid of mine getting too high. You may have different advice. But if yours went up 40 points and continues, wouldn't it get over 80 and be toxic? Do you have frequent testing?
I test every 6 months,
4000IU seems to keep me at my baseline, as I do think my body doesn’t absorb it well which is why it was so low for decades.
Toxicity is extremely rare and incredibly unlikely at the 2-4k level.
My D level was 27 in June. I was getting around 1700 IU from supplements at the time. I bumped it up to 4000 IU, and three months later, the level was 37. I decided to scale back to 3000, figuring that should keep me in the normal range with a slower increase. Next blood test is January, so we'll see where we are.
My brother likes to take 10,000 at a time (not daily), and he's fine. That's too high in my opinion, but there's a vocal D3 contingent out there, to be sure.
Has anyone used Algeacal and have positive results?
Hello @tilou. Your discussion was combined with an existing discussion titled:
- Trying to choose supplements carefully
@jasperina, @ans and @gigi4 discussed taking algaecal in addition to other osteoporosis treatments as well.
@tilou, have you had a chance to discuss supplements with your provider for any feedback on safely making additions to your treatment routine?
Hi Justin, yes I did discuss with a few providers. I have been trying some supplements in the past and suffered from them and now have my ideas, good or bad, to follow. What I conclude is that if some think something will help it might. It comes from the problem that I tried a few and it didnt .Blame me if you wish. Still open to listen though.
I am not a medical professional, but this is my story.
I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2019. Learned afterward that my D level was 30-bottom of range. If you read about D3, it can be useful in preventing so many problems including cancer and Covid ( as it may boost your immune system). Of course it’s also beneficial for our bones.
I worked with an integrative medicine doctor through and after my cancer journey and he informed me that I should have K2 with the D3 for proper absorption. You can purchase supplements that include both. I take 2000 units per day with an occasional 5000. My level is around 60 now and I am happy with that.
In your situation, I would try to get your level a little higher before you reduce the dosage too much, but please consult a doctor who is knowledgeable about these areas of medicine.
Best wishes,
A woman I know reported this on a non-medical board and I am still scratching my head over the calcium comments. I have no idea if these are real Canadian doctors on just play ones. Can anyone provide a basis for the calcium claims that may have been misconstrued?
"while watching a video produced by two Canadian doctors on how to strengthen your bones. Recommendations were to wear a weighted vest, because carrying weight builds bone, doing weight bearing exercises like walking, eating healthily, taking vitamin D, taking supplements such as magnesium and zinc (but they considered zinc less necessary. They reiterated that taking calcium can deplete calcium, and said just to eat food with calcium that wasn't dairy."
That’s not something I’ve ever heard of and I couldn’t find any research that indicates that taking calcium supplements can decrease your calcium levels.
I aim for 1200 mg per day from food and supplementing if I don’t get there. Most days I am very close, so I take one pill (250 mg of calcium citrate) to ensure I hit 250 mg. I used to take much more but have cut back.