Is it possible that the calf sensations are coming from the knee? Is it the same side?
Have you had any recent MRI's of spine? Are you being told you need surgery?
I have radiculopathy, myelopathy, with stenosis as well as listhesis and scoliosis (and 7 spinal fractures) . My PT does massage only, no exercises. The massage helps quite a bit. I sometimes take a muscle relaxant as well as Baclofen (which interferes with communication between spine and muscles) since much of the pain that stenosis and fractures cause is muscular.
Tai chi helps me if I do it enough. I have aavoided surgery so far and see an orthopedist who does not do surgery, for now. Also a functional medicine doctor who is trying different approaches that so far don't work (curcumin, glutathione) but I have found alpha lipoic acid helps sensations.
I do a lot of patches: lidocaine, menthol, capsaicin or topicals lie Ben Gay or BioFreeze. I have a capsaicin patch on my neck right now! I am not supposed to take NSAID's but every once in a while I take flurbiprofen. An MD gave me 5 pills of hydrocodone but I have not taken it yet. I cannot take steroids but they are always suggested until I mention they trigger afib.
What are you doing to help at this point?
Yes it is possible. I have worn out the cartilage on the right side of my right knee and just had a hyaluranic acid injection to see if it would help I am three weeks out. My osteos PA wondered if it might be referred pain from L4. I thought it might be helpful to have a thorough evaluation of my back issues and a treatment plan. I have been icing, taking Tylenol, icy hot topical.
I have an MRI but I don't want surgery if I can use otheretoda and surgery has not been discussed. I appreciate your help
This aging stuff !!?? Time consuming to try and support these bodies