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Anyone have multiple meningioma brain tumors?

Brain Tumor | Last Active: May 29, 2023 | Replies (148)

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Welcome to Connect, Peg.
I moved your message to the Brain Tumor group so that you can more easily connect with other members who have meningioma. You might be interested in joining the discussion "Meningioma - I'm scared to watch and wait" http://mayocl.in/2d9egF3

I'm bringing @lindajean into this conversation. She, too, has had multiple meningioma brain tumors.
Peg, we look forward to getting to know more about you. How many tumors have you had and how were they treated?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect, Peg. I moved your message to the Brain Tumor group so that you..."

Hi Peg, Yep I have one tumor we have been "watchfully waiting" for over 10 years now ,and with this years scan I have a second that is nearly the same size as the first already. What's up with you? Thanks for the connect Colleen! Always good to learn from each other 🙂

Hi, 6 tumors, two removed surgically, 2 cyber-knife radiated because one is laying up against my brain stem and one laying on my optic nerve. 4 tumors have been on the right side, now there are two on the left, dang. Anyway getting set for my MRI this month and then will decide whether or not to hit them with the Gamma Knife before they are too large. It would be nice to be growing diamonds or pearls instead of tumors:-) I have a fab surgeon here in Montana but do the radiation at Swedish Hosp. in Seattle. Doing pretty good for the "condition my condition is in." peg p.s. I still can't sleep on the right side of my head from the tumor removals. Pressure seems to build up and hurt like crazy.

Hi Peg,
Wow you are going thru a lot of tough decisions and procedures. I greatly admire your positive attitude and sense of humor!! Did you have multiple tumors show up on your MRI at the same time. My sister has 3 new ones in different places. One area could possibly related to her original surgery in 2001, 5cm right temporal lobe. The Doctors she has seen here in Atlanta seem to think getting 3 at one time means they are " aggressive?" Her first one was benign. She has been on anti seizure meds since her first seizure which led to her diagnosis. Thank You!

I just want to thank everyone for your well wishes and support. My sister met with Dr. O'Neill today, and is having another MRI. He wants her to see 2 more Doctors who are both on vacation right now. She plans to fly back to Rochester August 9th. Wish she could have seen all 3 while she is there. So I don't have any news yet. I am glad she is there and am remaining hopeful!!

Sending her all the best! All for 1 and 1 for all. Tough #braintumorwarriors. love,peg

Thanks Peg!!
Your spirit inspires!

@nancye3 I'm so glad to hear that all went well and that she feels good about her initial appointment. Will you keep us posted after she returns on 8/9?


Absolutely!  She feels she is in very competent hands. I definitely think she made the right decision to go to Mayo. I just worry if the Doctor's think she needs surgery again, she is so far from home. However I remain hopeful that all will go smoothly whether it is radiation, proton beam, or surgery. Thanks for thinking of us. Nancy

I just was diagnosed with a meningioma and told it is near an artery and may require radiation. Having another MRI next month at which time the affect on the artery will be researched. I am so grateful to find this thread and now know that if I have to have surgery, I am heading to Mayo. I was there before years ago and think very highly of the doctors there. I hope your sister comes through with flying colors, Nancy, and wish all of you the best. Thank you to everyone here for sharing their stories.