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@carol1024, I'm not sure there is clear answer for your question. My non medical opinion is that I did find some information on the question that might be helpful in understanding the topic/question.

"Historically, the prevailing belief was that the thymus holds minimal significance in adulthood because of its involution. However, a growing body of evidence challenges this perspective. There are reports that indicate that sustaining thymopoiesis well into adulthood can have significant benefits while its deterioration may elevate the risk of neoplasia and autoimmune disorders.6,7 Consequently concerns have been raised that surgical removal of the thymus in a variety of clinical scenarios may lead to deleterious consequences.

On the other hand, studies have documented unequivocal benefits of thymus removal in specific cases, such as patients with certain autoimmune forms of myasthenia gravis (MG)8,9 and individuals diagnosed with thymic neoplasia who require surgery.10 Nevertheless, the potential negative impact of surgical thymus removal on immune function, potentially leading to increased rates of cancer and autoimmunity, deserves further scrutiny.11 Here, we briefly review the function of the thymus, assess what is known about adverse effects of thymic resection on immune function, and address the current limitations of our knowledge in guiding clinical decisions concerning thymectomy."
-- Does Surgical Removal of the Thymus Have Deleterious Consequences?
Here are a few more references:
-- Risk of incident autoimmune diseases in patients with thymectomy:
-- Study Reveals Unexpected Importance of the Thymus in Adults:
-- Health Consequences of Thymus Removal in Adults:
Do you mind sharing why you are thinking about a thymectomy?

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Replies to "@carol1024, I'm not sure there is clear answer for your question. My non medical opinion is..."

It's my sister wanting answers because she has several auto immune deficiencies and is also a diabetic.