Has anyone had Heart Issues with LC?

Posted by kellysmail2016 @kellysmail2016, Oct 12, 2024

..but after a ton of tests they say they see nothing. Later to find out you do have heart problems.

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kellysmail2016, I do have Long Covid. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. God Bless You!

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Big Hug. 🤗


You have same issues I do!!! 1) POTS I thought was supposed to drop BP. One of its symptoms. That why I didn’t think I had POTS. My blood pressure was always high. Only since Covid. I’ve had every heart test possible except the right or left catheter. (That I actually want done). No heart issues. My father’s ENTIRE side of family died early of heart failure or attacks. We all have a genetic disease called Carney Complex-Trismus Pseudo camptodactyly disease. Heart n Hand disease. Still no. I get the starting to faint, sweats, chest pains and vomiting. I’ve had this easily 30 times since LC started. I’m on 3 different HBP pills. I have two inhalers. My heart rate has been as high as 224. I do have SVT. BUT I can tell an SVT attack compared to my heart rate going up from minimal exercise. Not the same feeling in my chest.

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Yes , it is difficult to unpick symptoms from existing diseases from new ones, that are LC related. Try to get a tilt table test then for PoTS…it should just effect your HR, BP not effected unless you have hyper PoTS ( not a term really used here in UK, but refers to specific eg where adrenaline dump involved so Bp and HR too). You can try a DIY PoTS test at home, look at NASA lean test, but although I thought I had PoTS from mine it did not pick up the dropping BP, needed the sophisticated proper tilt table test. Have a look at the US ‘Standing up to PoTS’ or ‘ POTS Uk’ websites for lots of info. that might help, like tips with keeping hydrated or wearing compression socks. I keep a diary of BP/ HR linked with what I have been doing: eg getting dressed, going up stairs to toilet…standing at the stove trying to cook a cheese sauce is my consistent worse task… always has been bent double on a chair as though I have done a 4 minute mile!


Yes. I was previously very healthy, running, paddling. I had C then a couple months later i woke with h/a, feeling of impending doom, blood pressure 212/70. stayed high. couldn't walk across the room or heart rate went sky high, palpitations, internal vibrational sensation. hair, straight as a stick, falling out, joint pain. long story short, ER, primary care, tried to convince me it was my mental health. Cardiology consult: meh. heart is good. bp rx and beta blocker, kidney US; kidney's took a hit. Then worsening joint pain and swelling from losartan. No one even asked if i had experienced C or had my vaccine. bp is erratic but i was getting better, back to walking, gym, mowing the lawn. unable to run. 9 months later, i had C again and back to almost square one. Not quite as bad. I realized then that it was LC. This blog helped validate my sx. I am just now, 10 mo later having a cardiology f/u.
I feel totally dismissed. I paid out of pocket for a functional med NP that i will see next week. I have tried lots of things. NO/NAD makes me worse. Olive leaf= worse. Nattokinase=bruising/bleeding issues. Going to try fisetin supp, see Func Med.


Yes, It was the diagnosed cause of A-Fib, hospitalization and now a life time of medication. If I don't take the heartbeat med I would have a stroke and die. A couple of weeks prior I had a checkup. Cardiologist said my heart was strong and perfect. Guess I'm lucky to be alive.


It’s just pure frustration that the medical community hasn’t come to terms with the reality that covid causes heart problems, there’s so much evidence that indicates it does. Some people are very fortunate to have found help from doctors who are open to help them with their problems but there’s still too many of us that are being ignored and neglected. It just doesn’t make sense to treat people like they have mental problems because they can’t seem to come to terms with the reality that covid is a really serious disease. I have personally suffered from rapid heart beats since 2022 after a covid infection, it took a while to see a cardiologist and after all the tests were done he concluded that my heart was fine except it beats too fast. The best part of my appointment was that when I told him it started after having covid, he suggested that I see a psychiatrist, what an insult, some things never change, if they can’t find anything physically then it must be a mental disorder. I truly believe that they will get it right one day perhaps when more people are coming forward with the same symptoms. I did read an article on the People’s Pharmacy that evidence is showing covid causes more heart problems than heart disease, it’s a start but still has a long way to go.


I was diagnosed with POTS after my 1st time with COVID.


It’s just pure frustration that the medical community hasn’t come to terms with the reality that covid causes heart problems, there’s so much evidence that indicates it does. Some people are very fortunate to have found help from doctors who are open to help them with their problems but there’s still too many of us that are being ignored and neglected. It just doesn’t make sense to treat people like they have mental problems because they can’t seem to come to terms with the reality that covid is a really serious disease. I have personally suffered from rapid heart beats since 2022 after a covid infection, it took a while to see a cardiologist and after all the tests were done he concluded that my heart was fine except it beats too fast. The best part of my appointment was that when I told him it started after having covid, he suggested that I see a psychiatrist, what an insult, some things never change, if they can’t find anything physically then it must be a mental disorder. I truly believe that they will get it right one day perhaps when more people are coming forward with the same symptoms. I did read an article on the People’s Pharmacy that evidence is showing covid causes more heart problems than heart disease, it’s a start but still has a long way to go.

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Stupid man!


I caught COVID very early during the 2020 pandemic, and I experienced severe chest pain and tightness, which led me to visit the ER 3-4 times. However, all the tests came back normal, and I was diagnosed with anxiety. In any case, after enduring extreme pain, I took various medications and underwent ozone therapy, which helped improve the symptoms somewhat. But after getting reinfected this May, the symptoms of my chest muscles hardening have become much worse. I don’t know what to do. It feels like the coronavirus is affecting my nervous system and muscles. Just knowing that there are others who have had similar experiences brings me some comfort, but if anyone has insights on what I can do about these symptoms, I would really appreciate it if you could share them with me.


I caught COVID very early during the 2020 pandemic, and I experienced severe chest pain and tightness, which led me to visit the ER 3-4 times. However, all the tests came back normal, and I was diagnosed with anxiety. In any case, after enduring extreme pain, I took various medications and underwent ozone therapy, which helped improve the symptoms somewhat. But after getting reinfected this May, the symptoms of my chest muscles hardening have become much worse. I don’t know what to do. It feels like the coronavirus is affecting my nervous system and muscles. Just knowing that there are others who have had similar experiences brings me some comfort, but if anyone has insights on what I can do about these symptoms, I would really appreciate it if you could share them with me.

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I’m sorry that you’re having such a rough time with the symptoms covid has caused you, it doesn’t make anything easier when the people you turn to for help are so very limited with helping you. I agree with you that we gain comfort from taking to others who have similar experiences so I’m grateful for that. I don’t really know how to advise you but what I can say is if you’re anxious and you have reason to be, perhaps your doctor can give you a medication to relieve your stress and ultimately the tightness and pain in your chest, thankfully it’s something that was checked out and your heart is functioning properly but it doesn’t mean that you can’t have pain. I mentioned having rapid heart beats and a beta blocker would be very helpful but having asthma I’m not allowed to take this medication. I take Ativan which is a benzodiazepine and it helps with a lot by easing the tension in my chest and slowing the heart rate down a little, it’s not a perfect solution but it helps and that’s what matters.


I’m sorry that you’re having such a rough time with the symptoms covid has caused you, it doesn’t make anything easier when the people you turn to for help are so very limited with helping you. I agree with you that we gain comfort from taking to others who have similar experiences so I’m grateful for that. I don’t really know how to advise you but what I can say is if you’re anxious and you have reason to be, perhaps your doctor can give you a medication to relieve your stress and ultimately the tightness and pain in your chest, thankfully it’s something that was checked out and your heart is functioning properly but it doesn’t mean that you can’t have pain. I mentioned having rapid heart beats and a beta blocker would be very helpful but having asthma I’m not allowed to take this medication. I take Ativan which is a benzodiazepine and it helps with a lot by easing the tension in my chest and slowing the heart rate down a little, it’s not a perfect solution but it helps and that’s what matters.

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I am currently going to the UCI COVID clinic, and although there's no issue with my heart function, they said it beats a little slower. My main heart issue is that I experience pain along with the heartbeats while I'm sleeping. I can feel it during the day as well, but it's not as severe as when I’m sleeping. I’ve been reading various reviews, wondering if places like Mayo Clinic might have any solutions. I sincerely appreciate your response.

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