Self castration Male to female: I am 70

Posted by karieanthony @karieanthony, Oct 17, 2024

I have been like this since Early 60's . Do not have a lot of years left ? My real Father called me a sissy but died In 1963 He was born 1917. I was 8 . When I was very young I enveyed my Sisters . My Stepfather Born 1910 beat me would kick in My bedroom door more than once ! He would drag me to Babtist Church and tell them ! And I would still dress up . I was going to my friends house dressed and grabed by 2 young men and raped for 2 days.Lucky I was not killed. I was suposed to stay at friends house for 3 days. I told mom Got hurt ! All i wanted was HRT . They mad me feel ASHAMED

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I don't have anything helpful for you. But if you found a way to write this, then you deserve to know that someone, out here that you will never even meet, was sincerely touched by your strengths. You have many strengths, that is obvious to anyone. You had to be strong to make a life for yourself. I 🙇‍♀️ bow down to your strengths. I do hope that you have been able to find some good loving people to have in your life. I have lived a very sheltered life and cannot comprehend how evil and hateful people can be. You are who you are, a person who wants to live a happy life, no one else gets to choose what your life will be. You say you don't have a lot of years left, I hope you are able to enjoy the heck out of these years and live, play, love with all the gusto you have. You deserve it, we all do. But, on a lighter side, this getting old isn't what it I thought it would be like. I thought that I would travel, have a bucket list, and when everything in your body is breaking down, well it just isn't much fun 🤪💥🤪 so I guess we all have to grab whatever we can, and go out with a bang ‼️ ShelleyW


I'm really sorry for what you went through. It's truly horrible and unimaginable.

The 60s-80s were not kind to gay people, let alone trans people. Even today things are much more difficult for trans people than they are for gay people.

All I can offer is my own experience in coming out as gay. I didn't do it until my mid-20s, and didn't come out to my family until my 30s, and was filled with regret for all that I missed that came before but, to move forward, one must let go of the past because it's impossible to change and, while sometimes it can bring fond memories, it can also bring a lot of regret.

I'm having to go through another major change at 60 because my sexuality will never be the same after being treated for prostate cancer (including chemical castration). I've felt the rage, sadness, and other feelings but have finally come to terms with the fact that these feelings are not helping me in any way and are just holding me back. Will I feel them always, probably sometimes, but I don't want them to define my life going forward.

Someone in my support group transitioned to female after prostate cancer and is doing well. They just said "f*** it" and decided to live their truth.

The life lesson I've learned is that being vulnerable about bad experiences helps you to find your true friends. I've met so many kind and helpful guys, in person and virtually, because of a bad thing that happened to me.

As hard as it may be sometimes, be your true self. There are people out there who will love you for it and you'll never find them if you hide who you are.

My very best wishes to you!


You are loved and I will hold you in my heart.

I am a successful 61 year-old white male.

I still don’t know who I am and why I love who I love.

I only know that I love…

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