Depends pants & pads - a practical (or stupid?) question..

Posted by peterj116 @peterj116, Oct 7, 2024

I'm going back to work in a month.
What exactly should I be doing with the used pads/pants at work?
Put them in the waste basket with the paper towels? (I'm assuming not because of the smell(?)
Put them in a plastic bag & take them home for disposal?
What's the usual protocol?

Catheter's being removed in a couple of days (I hope) so just planning ahead.
Plus it's another sleepless night, so midnight thoughts.....

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


Trash can is the way to go - as long as it is emptied by custodial staff at end of day there shouldn’t be any odor from anything disposed of in a mensroom.
We had a patient who routinely flushed his pad down the toilet even though a trash can with a sign clearly stating that it was for ‘disposable pads, tampons, etc’ was next to the toilet. Also another sign in block red letters above the toilet: PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH PADS OR TAMPONS DOWN THE TOILET! USE THE TRASH RECEPTACLE!!
The guy was no dummy - an electrical engineer - and one day after the 3rd plumber’s visit at $250 each, I told him that if he did it again HE would pay, not me. He apologized and never did it again.
A lot of people simply don’t realize how much $$ is wasted every day on this sort if thing. I see flushable diapers in the supermarket and I just shake my head. Sure, it might break down after it’s immersed in water for a few days or weeks or months but not before it plugs up an elbow bend in a waste pipe.
Sorry to digress but your question touched a nerve😂

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Wow. Didn't think anyone was dumb enough to try to flush pads. That's sad.


One of the good(?) things about prostate cancer is that it's slow enough (if caught early) to be able to tick off milestones as we reach them.
I got through the MRI.
I got through the biopsy.
I got through the surgery.
Catheter removal is next. Guess I'll find out how bad it is.

Next appointment is the physio.
Not looking forward to that, because I'm totally useless at moving or even finding my pelvic floor (hence the pessimism re incontinence).
No idea what she's got in mind for next week.

After that, it's a visit to the surgeon to go over the surgery & pathology report.
Then I just wait to collect my prostate.
What fun.


I hope this comes out right, My first visit for bone pain turned into stage 4 Metastasized to the bones. I know what I have. I do feel for those who go through surgery or radiation treatments. To me it seems so stressful. I understand none of this is good but so many post of the waiting game and I don't know how they get through that. My stress will come when my meds stop working but until then I can just keep moving ahead. I'm trying to say I feel for those who have to go through so much testing and waiting. Best to all.


I hope this comes out right, My first visit for bone pain turned into stage 4 Metastasized to the bones. I know what I have. I do feel for those who go through surgery or radiation treatments. To me it seems so stressful. I understand none of this is good but so many post of the waiting game and I don't know how they get through that. My stress will come when my meds stop working but until then I can just keep moving ahead. I'm trying to say I feel for those who have to go through so much testing and waiting. Best to all.

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Yes, I know exactly what you mean. In some weird way, it's easier having stage 4 already at first diagnosis because there aren't as many choices to make. You *know* it's serious, that it won't ever go away, and that the treatments (however challenging) are absolutely necessary if you want to celebrate many more birthdays.


I hope this comes out right, My first visit for bone pain turned into stage 4 Metastasized to the bones. I know what I have. I do feel for those who go through surgery or radiation treatments. To me it seems so stressful. I understand none of this is good but so many post of the waiting game and I don't know how they get through that. My stress will come when my meds stop working but until then I can just keep moving ahead. I'm trying to say I feel for those who have to go through so much testing and waiting. Best to all.

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Wow - you are a unique human being, Steve. Most of us - myself included - bitch and moan about “all” we have to go thru but I think you have it so much worse at your stage of diagnosis.
Yes, I’ve had terrible anxiety since my first elevated PSA, then the biopsy, MRI, PSMA, surgery and now ADT and radiation.
It IS a lot of successive steps in anxiety but there is always the HOPE that the disease will be halted at any one of these treatments.
You have only the meds and as you say “hope they keep working”. MY anxiety would be crushing, my fear overwhelming and I would not be able to function - let alone offer solace to people like me who are not yet at the point you are.
I sincerely wish you all best and wish there were more people in the world like YOU💕


I hope this comes out right, My first visit for bone pain turned into stage 4 Metastasized to the bones. I know what I have. I do feel for those who go through surgery or radiation treatments. To me it seems so stressful. I understand none of this is good but so many post of the waiting game and I don't know how they get through that. My stress will come when my meds stop working but until then I can just keep moving ahead. I'm trying to say I feel for those who have to go through so much testing and waiting. Best to all.

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What a great attitude. Stage 4 spread to bones & you're still considering others.
"I know what I have" is the right approach. That way, you have a good idea of what to expect & you can research the experience of others who are also at the same stage, without getting bogged down with symptoms & details that don't apply to you.
The waiting at each stage is awful, but hopefully your current treatment will continue to work.

Best of luck to you & this is a great group of guys to lean on.


I have been wearing BJ's brand of Depends now for 2 weeks. Go through 2 a day. Only negative is the "jock itch."
I also have the BJ's brand pads but they really don't adhere to my boxer-briefs at all and keep slipping. Maybe there is a better brand?


I have been wearing BJ's brand of Depends now for 2 weeks. Go through 2 a day. Only negative is the "jock itch."
I also have the BJ's brand pads but they really don't adhere to my boxer-briefs at all and keep slipping. Maybe there is a better brand?

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Aquaphor ointment helped with my chafing I had when I first started, I don't know if it might help with jock itch.

After trying several different types of pads, I've settled in on the "Tena Incontinence Guards for Men, Maximum Absorbency". They are triangular pads, with stick-on for my briefs. They cost about 32 cents (US$) each when purchased in three packs from Walmart or Amazon.

For outings, I carry one in a ziplock sandwich size plastic bag in which I can place it for disposal if necessary.

I'm down to one per 24 hours and two if I'm really active and drinking more water. I'm at 5 months out since RP surgery.


I have been wearing BJ's brand of Depends now for 2 weeks. Go through 2 a day. Only negative is the "jock itch."
I also have the BJ's brand pads but they really don't adhere to my boxer-briefs at all and keep slipping. Maybe there is a better brand?

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I'm now using Depend Real Fit underwear with a Tena Men Active Fit pad (Level 3)
The Tena has an adhesive strip to attach to the inside of the pants. Works great & I don't go through as many (comparatively expensive) pants when I just have to change the pads a few times a day.


I'm now using Depend Real Fit underwear with a Tena Men Active Fit pad (Level 3)
The Tena has an adhesive strip to attach to the inside of the pants. Works great & I don't go through as many (comparatively expensive) pants when I just have to change the pads a few times a day.

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I am using 2 off-brand Depends a day. I could get away with 1, but even when it is just a little wet I change it due to jock itch/chafing.

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