
Posted by lorkay @lorkay, Jun 22, 2024

Has anyone ever tried Lyrica as I was just prescribed 150mg daily for foot neuropathy

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My husband is taking Pregablin 150 mg twice daily for neuropathy. It has helped with the foot neuropathy but he has severe hand neuropathy with numbness, tingling, & severe pain, mostly at night. He also has a very weak hand grip & cannot pick up anything small. He has tried both heating gloves & ice gloves. His neurologist tried him on a couple of anti-seizure drugs which are also used for neurology pain but the side effects were too intense for him to continue.
I don't see too much info on the hand neuropathy. I did purchase for him a hand, fork, & spoon adaptive equipment which has helped him with dining.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We do believe the severe hand neuropathy started after he was started on OFEV medication for his rare lung condition, pulmonary fibrosis, caused by asbestos.


Has he been evaluated for any degenerative disc disease in the cervical- thoracic spine? My spouse's degenerative disc disease causes some minor problems with hands and arms vs his PN is his feet and legs due to a blood/bone marrow disorder. I personally have had issues/PT for carpal tunnel (affecting hands) and ulnar nerve irritation s from the work I used to do. Also relieved with PT and rest. An EMG might be in order along with xray, etc of spine


I’m on 4.5 for a year & a half. Most of the pain is gone but sometimes some burning & nerve pain comes on. Not sure how much LDN would make a difference. I don’t want to increase Lyrica.
More exercise does help. Unfortunately, Neuropathy is a life long struggle.


I taken Lyric since mid 2018. At first it was 50mg twice a day, then 75 twice, and now 100mg twice. I was switched over to its generic, pregabalin a couple years ago. I am not sure if it really works for me. I have PN in both feet and in my ankles. Now I feel better than when I started but I also do a few other things.


I have been on Lyrica [and then the generic form, which is Pregabalin] for about 15 years since it first came out, and was prescribed for Fibromyalgia, Fibro is body wide nerve pain, among many other syndromes that accompany fibro. I have been on various medication for it for 24 years. It is still a misunderstood disease. In response to this original question, which is about Lyrica, it helps very much for all of my pain. Pain never goes away but Lyrica makes it more bearable. I have learned over these 24 years that I must be responsible for learning about how my brain expresses pain. What helps many of us is Deep breathing, which calms the mind, low impact [light] exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, massage therapy, and more. Much of these things can be learned on Youtube!! I learned about true deep breathing by the video Dr Chris Dula Relax, on Youtube. It is life altering. Lyrica caused about 10 pounds of weight gain, but absolutely NOT 100 pounds. This is because it changes something about when we feel sated after eating. I would have ended my life years ago without Lyrica. A person has to work with the doctor until YOU reach the dose that helps YOUR pain. Every single person responds differently.

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Would you share what dose of Lyrica you take? I have fibromyalgia and have been afraid to try any of the meds for it (especially Cymbalta) but am considering trying something to help with the pain. Thanks.


I’m down to 50mg of Lyrica once a day now. My neurologist wants me to go to zero in another week. Since my pain is under control from LDN & Lyrica causes some swelling & stiffness in my ankles, going to zero should be ok. The numbness is still terrible & I have no solutions for it.

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Did you have any problems tapering off Lyrica? I'm afraid to try it for my fibro because I've read it can be addicting with withdrawal issues if you have to stop taking it. Thanks.


Did you have any problems tapering off Lyrica? I'm afraid to try it for my fibro because I've read it can be addicting with withdrawal issues if you have to stop taking it. Thanks.

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Please do not read others stories on social media about what their experince is. Deverlop a relationship with your local pharmacist and ask them about your fears. I am not a doctor and so I cannot advise you about these things. I have been on Pregabilyn which is generic Lyrica, for more than 15 years. i would not have survived this severe pain, for more than 25 years, without Lyrica and Cymbalta and a low dose of pain medicine. I am monitored by a pain doctor [not a shady pain doctor] every month and by a rheumatologist every six months. Every person is first given a very low dose of Lyrica. You must try it at least one month before deciding its not for you. It usually takes about 3 weeks before it begins to help. It is not an instant pain pill. You then go back to the doctor to tell them it did not help or it did help. The doctor then determines if you get an increase in the dose. I am on a high does of Lyrica, because I have needed that over the 15+years I have taken Lyrica. If you are not willing to commit to reporting to the doctor as they advise you, don't start any medicine
this is a support group. It is not meant to answer these questions.


Did you have any problems tapering off Lyrica? I'm afraid to try it for my fibro because I've read it can be addicting with withdrawal issues if you have to stop taking it. Thanks.

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I am sorry if that sounds harsh. I was diagnosed with Fibro 24 years ago. I had fears I guess, about the medicine I was offered way back then, but I was DESPERATE for help. There are only a few meds for Fibro. this is what we are offered. You may not feel desperate yet.
For me, Quality of Life, is more important than worrying about what happens down the road. I am still standing and I have been on the meds I previously wrote, for 15+ years. I am not overweight or any other of the problems people talk about with Lyrica and Cymbalta side effects. Every person has different outcomes for almost every medicine on the market. The best advice I have is , if you try Lyrica, commit to couple of months of journaling every day to determine how you feel. You will have that to refer back to, with the doctor and with yourself. And make friends with your local pharmacist. They go to school almost as long as a doctor. Feel better Ripley.

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