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I was diagnosed with Copd about 25 years ago. It never presented any big problems other than I couldnt go hiking or biking for long periods-but i was never very athletic so i was fine with that. However it has really progressed only the last 2 years or so. Im now 83 1/2. That may seem old but i was always pretty active- traveling a lot, running a small business, participating in many activities & organizations. I sometimes (often) feel sorry for myself & can relate to the ‘pity party’ syndrome. I am now on oxygen. Started first only at night, now more often. I think that’s what gets to me. Being tethered to a machine a lot of the time. Definitely limits my social life. I live alone so my social life was always pretty important to me. I use a portable sometimes but it’s cumbersome and ugly. And i feel very conspicuous with it.
And when i am rational i know im blessed that its not worse. I really have no pain. Just shortness of breath.
In answer to puddy—yes you can live AT LEAST another 20 years. And live well- traveling , enjoying your family,
In all truthfulness i have had a very full & enjoyable life despite the copd. With exercise & meds & love of family & friends, you will enjoy a good quality of life for many years. And with all the medical advances, who knows- maybe theyll find a way to slow the progression or alleviate some symptoms. Probably not in my lifetime but definitely in yours!!

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Replies to "I was diagnosed with Copd about 25 years ago. It never presented any big problems other..."

Thank you so much for your open and honest reply, parpro2. I really appreciate the time you put in to helping me. God Bless.

The also have valves they can put into your lungs, that elevates the copd I hear they work well.

Parpro, it has been 20 years for me, and I was still able to travel to Germany and England with my daughter earlier this year. We walked quite a distance every day, but took breaks to sit down whenever needed. I think you just have to adjust as you go, which it sounds like you are doing. I can no longer hike up steep hills or run through airports, but there is SO much I can still do. If I'm being honest, my back pain is causing more problems than the COPD! Cést la vie!

Your story is amazing. I’m wondering though , do you have emphysema ?