Malignant neoplasm of rectum and light-headedness
Earlier this month I had a polyp come back as malignant. I met with an oncologist and he said it was neoplasm of the rectum. He stated once I have surgery I won't need to have chemotherapy and that once the tumor is removed, I will be okay (unless I have others in different areas of the body which a gallium 68 scan will be done to see if there is any others). My reason for this post is to see if lightheartedness I am having could be caused by the neoplasm of the rectum. Sorry if I get some terms wrong. This is still so new to me.
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Hi @cjabad, I moved your question to the Colorectal Cancer support group to help connect you with other members who have had a diagnosis of rectal cancer like @paul28 @martin77 @apinzonc0627 @pkanders52 and others.
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling light headedness. I don't think I or anyone can say it is related or unrelated to the polyp. But I do know that they are likely to check your heart before surgery to make sure that your heart is strong. At least that is what they did for my dad. Do you have a history of heart issues?
You mention that you will be getting a Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/CT Scan. Has it been determined that the cancer is a neuroendocrine tumor?
I'm confused.
Are we really talking about LIGHT HEART ED NESS ?
At first I read it as light headed ness.....
According to the dictionary, lighthearted or lightheartedness is a good thing! Happy polyps!
Hola buenas tardes, yo tuve dos pólipos, uno salió canceroso y otro no, mi Oncólogo me dijo que no necesitaba quimio, ya voy para 3 años, tengo que tener un seguimiento de 5 años, todo ha salido bien hasta ahora mi CEA está en 0, mis tomografía y CAT todas bien e inclusive otra colonoscopía que mi hice, espero que siga así todo, será la voluntad de Dios.
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The doctor told me it is a neuroendocrine tumor. Haven't had the Gallium-68 yet PET Scan yet. It's scheduled to be done next week.
Sorry, for the typo. Its light headiness.
Tenga fé que todo saldrá bien al final solo Dios es el que decide.
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