my personal good days and bad days living with Neuropathy

Posted by 4boyss @4boyss, Sep 27, 2024

This is my personal opnion but I still expect a moderator to remove my message. For me good days are when I ignore my daily feed that is in my inbox email from the Neuropathy support group and my bad days are when I read what has been written lately. I find the messages very negative and without hope and depressing. Everything is a scam or at best doesn't work. Well I believe in some of the "scam" products. My condition is better and I believe is it because of help from those who are not M.D.'s. I believe M.D.'s are taught that medicines are the only answer. Interestingly, I see as many negative comments about medicines as anything else. I think each individaul has to go exploring all options, medical and non medical.

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@4boyss, Thank you for starting this discussion. I do understand how you feel and I'm sure you are not the only one. You are right about each individual having to explore both medical and non medical options when it comes to finding relief for neuropathy symptoms.

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Sorry that you have encountered so much negativity. I have encounterd both empathetic docs and those who don't give a hoot. My current pain doc manages my pain pump(which has never given any pain relief). I have asked him numerous times to look into other avenues to treat my severe, chronic pain, or to ask some of his colleagues for recommendations. Alas, no can do. But, there was the pain management doc whom I first visited eight years ago. He was empathetic, understanding, and thorough. Unfortunately , he was not able to help me. He has been in the minority. Most dos are rushed, dismissive and not able or willing to take a deeper dive into my pain.

So, I am glad that you are not in the kind of pain that many of us here on this site are experiencing. It is debilitating and robs us of joy. So, we learn to deal with us as best we can.


Despite the negative views on this site they happen to be positives for me. In reality there are others going through similar issues as I am, with significant pain and disabilities which reinforces my positive thoughts that if others can cope with their lot, why can't I. We all have the ability to read or not read that which we don't want to know. For me I'm dealing with Autonomic polyneuropathy a disease with no cure and todate no treatment, with few medical people even knowing about it let alone what to do for it. I could sit back and worry myself stupid over it, and occasionally I do, to be honest, but normally there is a glimmer of hope that drives me on putting aside thoughts of suicide and desperation.
For me I think about all the odd ball remedies I come across but ultimately it is up to me if I want to try any. I firmly believe in scientific proof and not anecdotal evidence, but that doesn't stop me considering alternatives. Through a long and sometimes painfull journey I have realised that we don't all react the same to medication or circumstances around us, so that opens the door to hope. Without hope what is there, a question I wrestle with in my darker days.
When I read a negative post here I look at it to how it could relate to me, ever broadening my knowledge of what might be for me. A lot of the time I thank God I may not have that symptom, yet! But generally I can empathis with a lot of views on here as I have had and am haveing a long and stressful journey with but one ending, that which we all eventually have, death, just mine could be more likely sooner than normally expected. All I can do is think, not today, and get on with what I can do. A lot of my strength comes from trying to remain positive in the face of adversity, as pain is subjective I always have to wonder just how much pain people are actually in. To them it could be accute, while to me pain is something I ignore as my tolerance level is very high from years of dealing with it. So having empathy for others there is some scepticisim of what the reality might actually be. You can't take everything you read as gospel, it is always tainted with the writers perspective of their situation. That is human nature, it is for each of us to decide what we make of it and react accordingly.
I suspect for a lot of writers here and other health forums there is some relief after writing your thoughts down. For me it can lighten my mood, while sitting and stewing over those thoughts can drive me deeper into depression. The utterance is a relief, a problem shared, got it of my chest and while writing it down the thought starts to occur to get off my butt and do something positive for the day. I hold true to myself that I can and will, not that I can't and won't, it dosen't mean I will succeed but at least I will have given it my best shot and be contented that I tried my best.
Look for the positives and focus on them, use them to drive yourself forward. Hell your alive, that must be the biggest positive of all, do something with it, try not to waste it with negative thoughts. I concentrate on one day at a time, if I wake up each day I will deal with what is in front of me, when I don't wake up, I'm sure I will not be worrying about it at all.


What have you discovered that help you? I would have never known about treatments that I can at least try if it were not for this website. My neurologists only have me taking the same medications that really haven’t helped at all!


What have you discovered that help you? I would have never known about treatments that I can at least try if it were not for this website. My neurologists only have me taking the same medications that really haven’t helped at all!

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Betty: I am a 65 year old male and I believe I have benefited from
electrical foot stimulation and red light therapy. I also think nutrition
plays a role. I stay away from sugar in particular. I am not diabetic.
My personal doctor has been trained to do nothing but offer drugs but since
they don't work for me, I don't take any.


I understand that-really like my Primary; but, that's all she has any knowledge about although I am sure she would like to help Would you please give me the info on the electrical foot stimulation and red light therapy. I try to stay away from sugar also and am not a diabetic. Thanks Bill!!


Bill, Thanks for sharing what works, or doesn’t work, for you. I couldn’t say it much better than @cheyne - if hearing what doesn’t work or what to watch out for is considered negativity, I’m glad it’s shared by folks. It helps guide my decision processes on what to watch out for as I try to make choices in optimizing life with PN. As you say, doctors aren’t the most equipped to advise us how to live with this illness; it’s the people on here that are sharing their life experiences with it. It is always happier reading the successes and positive energy a lot of people share; they make me more hopeful and wanting to consider their remedies to see if they’ll work for me too. You’ve brought up a good topic, and I’m very glad I saw it in my daily feed today 😊


Betty: I am a 65 year old male and I believe I have benefited from
electrical foot stimulation and red light therapy. I also think nutrition
plays a role. I stay away from sugar in particular. I am not diabetic.
My personal doctor has been trained to do nothing but offer drugs but since
they don't work for me, I don't take any.

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Mfg name of the electrical foot stimulation and where you got it and more information about the red light therapy. Thank you VERY much!!


Mfg name of the electrical foot stimulation and where you got it and more information about the red light therapy. Thank you VERY much!!

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Betty: I can get back to you tomorrow.


which "scam" products have worked for you - From all of the doctors I have been to, I have found that they cannot suggest anything more than the usually prescribed drugs also,

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