Can LC cause hot flashes?

Posted by dlre95 @dlre95, Sep 19, 2024

Can LC cause hot flashes? I went through the change 10-15 years ago and now after covid I am having 15 or more hot flashes a day and more during the night. Is this a symptom? Does anyone else suffer from this?

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It is known to cause flushing and temperature sensitivity, yes. It could be disruption of the autonomic nervous system. I’m in a long COVID study and the questionnaires they give us include a question about flushing and excessive sweating.

If it’s a recent COVID infection, it’s possible it could get better or go away entirely. I hope that’s the case for you.


Thank you so much for the info and the hope. Somedays I just feel hopeless.


Thank you so much for the info and the hope. Somedays I just feel hopeless.

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I know. It’s really hard.

There could be other reasons for it, like a thyroid issue or hyperhidrosis. Have you thought about checking with your doctor about it?


I now suffer from excessive sweating since April 2022 after a Covid booster and also got a DVT blood clot at the same time. I somehow believe they are related to the booster.


Yes, I get them all the time. Another joy of LC.


Yes, I get them all the time. Another joy of LC.

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I only had the one. I am now on xerelto for life.


for me it did. my brother is an oncologist and they give patients tumeric to help with hot flashes. it helped to calm mine, I think you are only supposed to take it a few days a week, not an everyday and if you buy it as a supplement make sure it has black pepper in it as well as I think it helps to activate the properties you are looking for.


for me it did. my brother is an oncologist and they give patients tumeric to help with hot flashes. it helped to calm mine, I think you are only supposed to take it a few days a week, not an everyday and if you buy it as a supplement make sure it has black pepper in it as well as I think it helps to activate the properties you are looking for.

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and this is not medical advice, please make sure its ok for you to take any supplement before taking, you could also just add it to your foods with pepper and coconut oil 😉


I had hot flashes for over a year after covid infection and never experienced anything like it, I likened it to menopause on steroids. It also came with heart palpitations which added to the stress but I started noticing that the more I stressed about it, they would get worse and more often. I’ve have definitely found a connection with stress and the covid symptoms, the more anxious I got, the symptoms would come back, there’s definitely some underlying connection between stress and covid symptoms but it’s just my opinion. I do know that stress can and does affect everything so it’s not impossible to believe that it can also affect your symptoms. On days when I feel better and more optimistic about things I usually have a an easier time and the opposite happens when I’m not feeling strong.


I am 4 years LC. I was prescribed a very low dose of estrogen (.25mg/day). Besides increased underarm hair growth, my LC flashing/flushing is virtually nil. After ten years of post-menopausal hot flashes which I thought I was done with, I felt it was worth the trade. At least one of many LC symptoms have ceased...

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