This thread is so helpful. I'm 4 months past mastectomy, 2 months past radiation, and 3 months into anaprozole. The initial diagnosis in March was a shock, the whirlwind of confirmation, biopsis, surgery, radiation, etc. was so crazy and fast, it was over almost before I knew what hit me. Now I'm settling in to the "new normal" of fatigue, growing aches and pains, all coupled with the enormous gratitude that I have access to all this treatment and a good prognosis. (And subtle pressure to stay positive!) To the outside world, I'm supposed to be "over it", and outwardly, it would certainly appear so. Inside, though, I face days of fear and concern. Will I ever feel good again? Will I live to see my grandbabies grow up? Will things ever feel like they did before? Well......probably not. I AM an optimist by nature, so I am counting on today, and tomorrow, and the future. That said, I am so, so grateful for this portal where I hear from the brave people going through this, and how you all manage. From that, I've learned to give myself the grace to just be a little sad, or worried, or whatever, if I need to from time to time. It's OK. It's part of being human. We've all been through something that's very, very scarey.
The nice thing about emotions, is that they are always changing. If you're feeling shaky today, tomorrow just might turn out to be the best day of your life - who knows? Stay open to the possibility! Hugs to everyone on this thread.
What a lovely post. Thank you!