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Hearing aids in but still not understanding words

Hearing Loss | Last Active: Nov 4, 2024 | Replies (134)

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Not sure where to jump back into this conversation. I've been busy creating the latest HLAA Wisconsin newsletter this week. It's posted on the HLAAWI website if anyone is interested. http://www.hlaawi.org Lots of interesting information.

A reality: Far less attention has been done on hearing loss than on most other medical issues. You can blame organizations, people, researchers, whomever for that. Advocacy is something done by 'the people'. Hearing loss stigmas keep people from talking about it much less advocating for better products, more attention, etc. Sad but true.

I am sure there will be a totally implantable device for hearing in the future. The cochlear implant technology currently available is amazing. The idea of a 'cure' is wonderful but it's not a reality at this point in time. I hope it will be someday. Maybe AI will ultimately do that. We can dream about it any way.

The Envoy implantable hearing aid has been discussed and in development for years. I do not know enough about it currently to comment, so if you find more information please share it. It would be interesting to know how it would be 'fired'. How long will an internal battery last before needing to be replaced? Where in the human skull would there be room to fully implant a cochlear implant with processor?

I have a cochlear implant and a hearing aid. I swim. I take my devices off when I swim. I cannot hear at all. There are products that cover cochlear processors and hearing aids that allow a person to use them in the water. They are a bit cumbersome but people use them.

Having lived with diagnosed hearing loss since the early 1960s, I have benefitted greatly from the technology that has evolved. Initially I was told that NOTHING could ever help me during my life span. Not to waste $ on hearing aids that wouldn't help me. CIs were not even a thought then. When they did become a 'thought' they were ridiculed, and the very idea was a joke even among the medical profession specializing in this area.

I was fortunate to have become involved in the organization that was the precursor to HLAA in the early 80s and entered the conversations about how hearing loss affected us along with what was happening in R & D and what kind of strategies and assistive technology worked. We dreamed of the future when hearing aids would be better. We imagined things like automatic speech to text and having live captions on TV.

By then I had gotten hearing aids. They helped a little bit in quiet settings. Noisy environments were horrible until I learned about assistive technology I could connect to those analog hearing aids. Life changing. Why had no one told me about that? Sadly, that is still the main question we hear from people who are new at HLAA meetings. The people who are in 'business' to help us whether they are medical doctors, audiologists or hearing instrument specialists, don't provide us with the information we need to improve our lives significantly. Most of it comes from 'the people', just like those on MCC.

It wasn't that many years ago that we didn't have Google. Research was done at our local libraries. Many people who need information do not know how to find it. This is especially true in the senior population. Technology advancements have overwhelmed a generation. They have helped generations. They will continue to do that one step at a time.

Only thing I can say about the future is that it will come. 🙂 However if NOW is when you want to be able to hear and participate socially, etc., what is now available now is amazingly good. My only CI regret is that I didn't get the CI sooner. I was implanted in 2005 and have benefitted from upgrades since then, every one has been better than the one before it. Yes, we would all like to see more being done and things happening for the better faster. Until the population with hearing loss, especially those with adult onset hearing loss, decide to come out of the closet and start advocating, educating, writing to the congressional representatives, volunteering to do outreach, etc. it will likely not go any faster than it presently is.

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Replies to "Not sure where to jump back into this conversation. I've been busy creating the latest HLAA..."

Good to hear from you. Envoy is currently working with the Mayo Clinic with trials. You might want to talk with so of your contacts at the clinic and learn more about the trials they are conducting.
As far as people with hearing loss not speaking up I just scratch my head.
I did send a letter to AARP recently to encourage them to get more involved. They truly do have clout since older people vote more than any other age group. That should get representatives in the House and Senates attention.
Keep in touch and tell what you find out regarding the trials for Envoy fully implantable devices going on currently at the Mayo Clinic.
Enjoy your weekend.

As we have discussed I have the new Signia IX platform hearing aids. They are definitely better than the AX platform I had previously. They could still be better in noisy environments but for the most part it is tolerable.
Regarding Envoy they have had the “Esteem” model out for years. Just enter Envoy on your phone or computer and you can read testimonials from people that have had the implants for 14 years.
I sent a letter to AARP asking them to get involved with the bill introduced by Amy Klobuchar (D) and Jim Lankford (R). If the bill passes and they can be classified as prosthetics Medicare would cover them just like they cover CI’s.
I also found out that invisible or fully implantable CI’s are in the experimental phase right now.
I don’t understand why the hearing loss community is so apathetic. There are millions of us out there and yet we are content with whatever professionals tell us is out there. We should demand better from our government. Older people vote so why not leverage that power with our Senate and Congress.
It is very frustrating to have a disability that has such a stigma that people live in the shadows rather than making their voices heard.
Mental illness has come has lost the stigma attached to it because famous athletes and actors and actresses have spoken up. Why can’t our group do that. What are we afraid of?
We deserve a better quality of life but HLAA is not the answer. As I said above maybe we need AARP to focus on this issue.