Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.

the new generation of "health care professionals" have very different ideas...and you rarely get to see a DOCTOR. It's usually an25 yr. Old P.A. or N.P. fresh out of school and ALL textbook. WHOA is us. Lol


Hello, I was diagnosed with cancer in June after a colonoscopy. Still waiting for final treatment plan which is getting more difficult everyday, as I want to get treated because I have bloody bum problems. I had to find a new doctor for my ADHD and depression because my new insurance did not cover the old doctor. Florida is still under Covid telehealth rules for now so finding a doctor who accepted my insurance and new patients was challenging to say the least. Finally got an appointment and the Nurse Practioner I saw does not believe in bupropion with Adderall so she would not prescribe the bupropion or any other antidepressant. I have been on the regiment for probably 20 years and it was chosen specifically because I did not tolerate other drugs, at the very least she should have weaned me off. I find myself getting quite anxious but it may just be the waiting for the treatments. I cannot go through the process of finding another psychiatrist. This sucks.

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I’m so sorry to hear that after 20 years of being successfully on the combo, you have been left high and dry with no coverage for your depression. (Understand you’re still on Adderall for ADHD).

I’m on different anti-anxiety medication that I too have taken for 20 years under medical supervision (2 successive GPs) and I feel totally normal while on it with no side effects. Periodically we try weaning me off just to test but go back on as I do badly otherwise.

I have just read that experts generally agree that your 2 drugs should not be given together due to possible safety concerns, but in cases they may be under medical supervision. It’s shocking that the NP has made that call and I hope you can escalate it to a Doctor.


Yesterday I had a bone marrow biopsy, done by a medical professional whose technique made the whole procedure very bearable, with no sedation nor "twilight sleep". Laying there with a pressure bandage on, recovering, and speaking with the pathology tech who prepared the slides, it came to me that I am now dealing with my fourth cancer. Malignant melanoma, squamous cell skin cancer, cervical cancer in situ, and now Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. While I wait for the most recent results, to be handed down on 10/4, my mental state fluctuates. Wanting to be proactive in the care plan. Wondering "why me" I have so much I want to do. Waiting for all the facts to sleeve it all together to create the best future possible [I also have a rare kidney disease that may or may not be related]. Knowing that this community of Mayo Connect is my support. Honored to be here, hoping to make a difference.

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Hi Ginger,
I have had 3 of these biopsies done, do your legs feel numb from those procedures? Wishing you the best🙏✝️♥️


the new generation of "health care professionals" have very different ideas...and you rarely get to see a DOCTOR. It's usually an25 yr. Old P.A. or N.P. fresh out of school and ALL textbook. WHOA is us. Lol

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Yes, see very few Doctors, except PCP.
Oncologist met with only 3 times.
Dermatologist, Urologist, EN,T, GI never even met Dr.
Pulmonologist comes in to review RN visit findings.
I wonder what they do during office hours???


Hi Ginger,
I have had 3 of these biopsies done, do your legs feel numb from those procedures? Wishing you the best🙏✝️♥️

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I'm tagging @gingerw to make she sees your question.

@jbspiro, did your legs feel numb after the biopsies? If yes, did it resolve over time?


Hi Ginger,
I have had 3 of these biopsies done, do your legs feel numb from those procedures? Wishing you the best🙏✝️♥️

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@jbspiro I have now had a total of 4 bone marrow biopsies. My legs have not felt numb after any of them. What experiences are you having?


I am on my last chemo treatment but husband was killed via a stupid kid nave been in treatment for over a year SO want to talk about downer husband killed have to do a funeral all funds are locked up because of the death on the road last chemo treatment had to cancel and to top it all of got stun by a hornet So life is certainly a bowl of cherries

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