Does your Artificial Urinary Sphincter AUS800 leak?
I know there are a couple of guys that have helped me in the past, My AUS has been activated for only 2 months. It took a few months to heal before the doc would activate it. Do you leak when you sneeze or cough? Can you feel your cuff on your bottom? When I sit down on a hard surface, it seems to activate the cuff and I leak. Is your cuff activated by anything else? Doc used a larger cuff to start, and will probably have another surgery to install a smaller cuff? Has anyone had another surgery to change cuff sizes? Usually, I only need to pump it once before I start to pee. How many times do you need to pump your cuff? Thank you for your help. Very new at this .
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Thank you for sharing your experience with the AUS. I had mine about 8 weeks ago and has not been activated yet. I regret agreeing with this procedure from day one, after a surprise huge swelling and an extremely painful sensitive scrotum which it continues today. The more I read about other people experiences and how this is not one hundred percent cure for incontinence and still have to use pads, specially after a glass of wine or a cup of coffee also the difficulty to operate, specifically in a men's room, the more I am convinced that this was a big mistake. If the pads need to be used then what's the point? Can the apparatus be left alone inside of body and not be activated? Will it cause any health issues in the future. Does anybody else feel the same or I just have a doctor who doesn't explain himself too well? My surgery was a big mistake. Thank you.
Hopefully my experience of about 1 year with AUS800 will help both of you. Im very pleased with no pads coming off 5 daily max pads prior to AUS. Activation is typically 6 weeks following surgery however there will be tenderness in my case for about 12 weeks but no excessive swelling. One full or maybe a second partial pump required for a full flow like a teenager again. It does take some patience for the AUS to close ~45 to 90 seconds after urination otherwise you may leak slightly. In terms of practice it took me about 4 months until comfortable in public restrooms so give yourself some time. If your cuff is sized appropriately any leakage should be very infrequent and minimal and can happen in a seated position on hard surface which partially releases the AUS. It takes about 4 months to retrain your bladder to avoid stress leakage like a hard sneeze. That will go away over time. At this point I would say my AUS is nearly 100% effective with the only remaining leakage sitting in a certain way on hard surface. Given its a mechanical device with basic technology dating back 25+ years its as good as it gets - there is no better solution available. The key is appropriate cuff sizing not too tight or it will wear urethra and not too loose or you will leak.
Let me know if you have further questions and how I can help.
Good morning siavashh. I am sorry you don't like your new friend. I could type for hours about all the problems that led up to my 2nd AUS implant. What part of the country are you in? We could chat on the phone sometime. I was looking at having a stoma bag for life. I found a great surgeon who was willing to take the time and get me fixed. Yes there is a learning curve. My pump is easy to pump, usually once and the flow starts. I learned a lot after my first AUS. You will get very swollen, and see a new color to your body, lots of ice bags. I use a large bag of frozen peas or corn and refreeze it . Took me a few weeks to get back to kinda normal. And sitting. Ouch times many. I had a cushion with the center cut out for weeks. It is still hard to sit. It will get better. I was totally incontinent, changing pads constantly, sometimes every hour. It will get better. I still leak some when I sneeze or sit. I had my first AUS inside for 4 months before it was removed. The device will be activated soon. Mine was at 12 weeks, took a while to be sure I was healed. I hope you can have a good experience with your new friend. It changed my life, and I hope yours will get better. Many of us with the AUS have different opinions of the device. Each body is different, but hang in there, it will get better. I can private message you with my email or phone number if you want to chat more. Good luck.
Hi Sia H and Bud,
Not to brag but say my AMS 800 experience is so fantastic. Obviously I had a super surgeon. What surprised me is his student (resident?) did the work under his direction. She maybe had an advantage with very small and, no doubt, steady hands. The doc turned out to be a regions expert in this as well as gender affirming surgery; so he knows the territory.
I was (and technically still am) totally incontinent from my RALP 01/22. I went about 6-weeks before AMS was activated. Till recently didn't know there were different sizes of cuffs; mine must be perfect fit. Maybe my static pressure is somewhat higher than most because it takes me multiple squeezes to completely empty. But then it's done and shut! I do wear a #2 "daytime" pad to get the last drip if any. In 15-months of using it I've had only two major leakages. And both those recently. Last July I majorly leaked while asleep and have no idea why or how. I must have pinched the bulb in my sleep. And just last week on a long drive I filled the #2 pad (they do hold a lot!).
But otherwise, NO problems.
And I had a cystoscope check last month and doc saw no erosion at the cuff site.
With practice I've accomplished using a stand up urinal. I do have to open my fly and belt. Ring and pinkie on one hand holds my pants down and index and thumb aims my penis (not easy) and other hand also uses ring and pinkie to hold pants down and back so thumb and index finger work the squeeze bulb. It takes some extra time but works without completely dropping my pants.
In this case, don't 'Aim High' like they taught us in school. Hope you can laugh about all this.
Good luck to both of you and all our fellow AMS users. It does take time and practice to learn how our bodies and social lives work with the complicated thing.
Keep up your spirits and don't hesitate to pester your doctor/s. They work for YOU.
What a world we live in. After so many years of poking and inserting and surgeries I am ok with it all. Funny part being it is hard to get embarrassed any more. When I go to the bathroom, I drop my pants past my knees. One handed I can squeeze and go. People look sometimes and wonder what you are doing. I say it is so nice not to have a catheter, and be able to pee, even standing up. They shut up....Way too many people have taken care of me and they have seen it all. My AUS is so nice to have. When I start feeling down, I look at the world around me. I volunteer at the clinic 3 days per week. I see patients and I start to feel good again. The thing I have to deal with is one handed or two. Enjoy each day and be thankful for what you have. It can change tomorrow.
10 days in, love the discomfort part comments. the pain is when sitting or getting up . Use a cushion in car. Doctors should mention this. And the black and blue softball between your legs. Also not being endowed, mine plays being a turtle. And pump location sometimes like a needle being stuck in you. I am trying to be patient and optimistic. Bending over is tough. Mine is the Boston scientific. There going to activate in the 5th week. Just very slow improvement day by day. Thank God they use disappearing stitching.