Yes. I will provide another update in a week.
I guess the symptoms could return, but if we look at the facts, a coincidence here, is unlikely.
For instance, ever since the post nasal drip [PND] started, it remained at roughly the same level 24/7. I was pretty much clearing my throat every few minutes.
I then take a 5 day course of amoxicillin and on day 2 the bad breath starts to reduce. On day 4 the PND reduces dramatically.
6 days after starting the meds, the mucus has gone and the swallowing stopped.
Now, yes, there is always the possibility that this was all a massive coincidence, but there is an equally good chance that antibiotics may have a positive therapeutic effect on this condition.
I always fall back on the fact that I am the second person, in this forum, who has responded positively to amoxicillin.
If only one other person, responded well to this medication, I think we could be fairly certain that PND can be treated, at last.
An interesting idea would be to set up a poll on this forum, to see if people with PND have responded positively to antibiotics.
We could have 3 options:
Have not been treated with antibiotics
I wonder if the system administrator could set up such a poll?
If this is not possible, I could set up a Post Nasal Drip group on X. I could then set up the poll on there.
Or failing this, I would be happy to set up such a poll on one of my own website. And then add a link here for people to use.
This forum is great but I think it is about time we started analysing some of the data, people have been sharing over the years.
Anyway, if you think this is a good idea, let me know.
I think it’s a great idea. I’ve been on this thread for a year and a half or so. Symptoms started after Covid in 8/2022. I ended up with GI discoveries, reflux and gastric ulcers. No heartburn ever so it was a little surprising. But my doc was on the right track with H2 blockers then PPIs. She did bloodwork and ruled out h.Pylori. But then a dental problem came up and the dentist noticed that my sinuses are low on top of the affected area. The Endodontic I was referred to prescribed amoxicillin for an infection in the same area and I too am noticing improvement. Funny thing is when I had bloodwork to rule out h.Pylori I had already been on PPIs for over a month and they can produce a false negative for h.P. From my standpoint it’s like ok what started first? H.Pylori, gastric problems? Sinus infection causing post nasal drip, bad taste in mouth, dental health problem? The only one of those symptoms that the CDC has recognized for long COVID is gastric problems. So I’m going with that. And amoxicillin is used against h. Pylori. May be a link imo.