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Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Sep 12, 2024 | Replies (12)

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Thanks. The doctor said there's a "good chance" my T won't recover, but I'm trying to look at it, for now, as not necessarily meaning that there's NO chance. I have noticed that my testicles have gotten A LOT smaller since starting Orgovyx, and this has also been fairly painful while it's been happening, so it is a bit discouraging to me that several people have said that didn't happen to them (not that I would wish it on anyone--I hope most people on Orgovyx have a good experience).

I don't have the mental stamina to make it 2 1/2 years without any sexual satisfaction. I'll wait until the end of the year and if my T doesn't return I'm going to go to one of the online prescribers and answer "no" to the prostate cancer question and take my chances. I might try something like Clomid first, though.

My main gripe is that I wasn't informed of any of these possibilities before selecting my treatment so my informed consent was based on incomplete info. This is partly my fault for panicking and rushing into treatment. I also assumed that because I chose a Top 5 cancer center that they would totally know 100% what they're doing so there was no real need to question any of it. Oh well, water under the bridge at this point.

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Replies to "Thanks. The doctor said there's a "good chance" my T won't recover, but I'm trying to..."

Scotty , Take it from someone who has been mentally beating himself up for the last 5 yrs for selecting Surgery instead of SBRT.
I have a number of side effects - all that you have and then some! You cannot predict how your body is going to react to any given treatment - especially with THIS disease!
It is equally frustrating to be able to achieve orgasm, but with a limp, shortened and shriveled penis - thank you, surgery! - that’s good for nothing. I’m not sure your anorgasmia has anything at all to do with reduced testicle size - and neither does your doctor. They ALWAYS build in lower expectations to their treatments.
I am sure you were exposed either by word or in writing about ‘possible’ side effects with ADT/SBRT, but they PALE compared to surgery so no one ever thinks they’re gonna be in that poor outcome percentage.
You made the right choice at the time and NEVER LOOK BACK AT IT because it’s a wasted exercise.
My late cousin had a saying: If everyone sat around a table and put their troubles on it for all to see, in the end you would happily take your OWN back!
Just hang in and see what time brings you. And BTW, don’t bd afraid to go online and look into some of these male sex toys that are used for masturbation. Some of them vibrate and actually get warmer than the real thing. I am not embarrassed to say that even in my debilitated sexual condition, I found one that gave me orgasms that almost f****ing killed me!!
Never experienced a total body orgasm until that little toy came (sorry) my way…hang in there buddy, better times coming (oh man again?)😁

You must be a spring chicken needing sexual satisfaction so badly… lol…. May as well give NUGENIX a try too.