

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Oct 28, 2018 | Replies (6)

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Welcome @cathan. Please meet @success101 @dailychronicsupportgroup @gonefishinmt @billindc - fellow Connect members who have talked about achilles tendon injuries or achilles tendonitis.

Can you tell us a bit more about achilles tendon injury and how it was neglected?

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Replies to "Welcome @cathan. Please meet @success101 @dailychronicsupportgroup @gonefishinmt @billindc - fellow Connect members who have talked about..."

I tried other ways. Chio proractor. Stayed on foot too long,becauss im the one in charge.Husband,has serious issues.
Last week had a huge surgery. The bonespur very big. A piece of it broke loose,causing it to shredd the achilles.
Now on road to heal.expect to be awile.
Pt,will be next no doubt. The foot hurts
Like. Everything,but,one pays a price for
wanting to try other avenues,before the

101 continued.
Just a note, some. Doctors, may have a
Gentler way, i did encounter the opposite.
Quite rude. I guess, being a sensitive
Individual,i figured it was me. Time for me to shape up quit complaining.
Well, to say the least, i paid a price.I would
not go see a doctor for long time.
When i did,too late. Damage DONE.
I believe one should listen to the patient.