Removal of plate and screws from tibia fracture

Posted by tc125 @tc125, Oct 30, 2018

Hello, I broke my tibia in April 2018 and had surgery to insert a plate and 9 screws. I have pain walking every day all day. The surgeon has recommended having the plate/screws removed. I am reluctant to do it because the surgeon said he can't guarantee the pain will be gone. I'm not sure if it would be worth it to have incisions, remove screws, slide the plate out, have anesthesia and get stitched back up. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this type of surgery and if so, was it worth it.

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I fractured my femur and had a plate - not sure how many screws put in. Once recovered didn’t have much pain but it felt odd, also Dr suggested that as I got older (I’m 76) and the skin became thinner might cause irritation. So I had the metal work removed. Didn’t take nearly as long to recover as from the initial surgery. Everything is good now except for occasional ache on that area. Pleased I had it done. BUT yours is in a different place and everyone reacts differently so not sure how useful this information is.


I had a spiral fracture of my right tibia in April 24! It was just below a 25 yr old knee inplant! I know have two plates and 9 screws! My leg hurts constantly where the plates begin and end! I'm wanting them removed. Should I?

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@belton I had my plates and screws removed from Tibia and Fibula. My surgeon said I had to wait at least a year. It was a year and a half later. I have less pain, but there is pain with arthritis from the injury. I had hives and seemed to be having an allergic reaction to the titanium metal. Recovery is easier than after the fracture, but you’ll have increased risk of fracture for awhile because of holes from screw tracks.


Hi guys.
Well...I had a tibial plateau fracture about ,2 years ago...they put in a plate and screws, which constantly hurt. It was beginning to affect my gait, and hips. My Dr. Always told me, I would have to wait a year, but if the plate bothered me he would prefer to remove it (since he put it there. ), but it was up to me. So just 3 months ago I had the plate removed,(after 2 years).I waited till I felt my leg was strong enough(worked out in gym, before the surgery). The surgery was considered out patient, and a easy surgery. The pain in my knee and hip went away, I walk better now. I did about 3 months of pt, so far...and it feels great. I say DO IT. It's a foreign object in your body, and has the potential to get infected any time. It served is purpose, and now u don't need it anymore, so take it out). Very easy surgery..
Was waking right away.


I had a tibial fracture, healed now...but when I fell, I twisted my keg, and the bone they had to put a plate. The plate really hurts, and I've been agonizing on whether to remove it or not? To go thru another surgery, anesthesia, rehab...its seems alot and im 65. Need some advice.

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@verars Sounds like you’re not having a fun time. Have you seen your ortho to have it checked out? You most likely require re-X-ray of your implant to ascertain if any damage occurred to cause you continued pain.


Hi I had my plate and three screws removed 2 weeks ago. My leg hurts so much from the surgery. I can barely walk today .. two days ago I walked 5 miles ... I have shooting pain to my hip, charlie horse in my thigh, shooting pain down my shin. I got the plate removed because I met a woman my age and level of activity, who had the same accident I did, had the plate for 4 years, could not run, had the plate removed and was running in a month. She encouraged me to do the surgery. I saw 3 diff docs, was definitely afraid of getting cut open again, but I've now done it. I am so afraid that it won't heal properly. Any thoughts? (sorry I already posted a version of this, but I don't know where it went!

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Chloe, what was your resolution. I had my tibial plateau hard ware removed two weeks agon and walked on it 1 day and now, I can't walk at all. I can put no weight on it and have shooting pain in my knee cap; which I never had, and my foot is numb and tingling. The doctor seems casual about it and will see me as scheduled. I do RICE and get some relief but some nights I shoot up awake in pain. I had hip replacement 4 months ago and was pre metal removal, able to walk with a cane, now, nothing. Exercise was my life, my peace of mind. I hope you have a happy ending and can share what became of your pain post metal removal.

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