← Return to Hardware removal to surf again? S1 - L4 fusion 15 months ago

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To all of you, @jong, @ga29, @vincescs and @

You are all scaring me to death! I haven't posted regularly on this forum, but today is a different day.
@jong and @ga29 seem to be athletic and committed to body strength and in perfect health. I am different, I am 63 years old, I am in relatively good health and not over weight or have any medical conditions,. I am not a gym fanatic or health guru either. I was diagnosed with numerous problems such as spinal stenosis, degenerative bone disease, disc compression at l2, l3, l4 and l5. My third opinion from the neurosurgeon today is recommending decompression at all 4 vertebrae with cages. Additional support with fusion from T10 to S1. My question to those of you who have had cages implanted, did your surgeon recommend rods into the pelvic bone like this and do you have any thoughts on this?

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Replies to "To all of you, @jong, @ga29, @vincescs and @ dlydailyhope You are all scaring me to..."

hi, your in a different situation than me. I can tell you that I got a recommendation from a super highend place for fusion of s1 to L2- that would have been WAY TOO MUCH, so watch out- get more opinions from the nueros and orthos..