Dear @SusanEllen66
I read your stuff with problems-over-problems. Hey, I’m already there and have problems-over-problems: my brain broken, my memory is gone, falling down ever second, can’t drive again, hate eating of raw onions… and on…
‘Sick and Tired” - I don’t feel “sick”, but I’m already “tired” from my anti-seizure meds that make me getting/feeling “tired” and sleep more than “normal” people; regular folks sleep 6-8 hours a day; I’m sleep 9-10 hours a day.
—-> WHAT DOE THIS? < —-
Are you really “sick” or it is physical, mental health (brain-problems), emotional problems - like me? Your spiritual side is fantastic with His Holy Spirit in you. The rest of it breaks off problems like:
1. Glass Prism - I’m there too. My 2 eyes are not together. My left-eye is straight but my right-eye turns on another one that doesn’t fit as “normal” people.
2. ATAXIA - Different walking or an unbalance. I’m there two. I feel down in my garage in the rear-ends called down on my wooden steps. Know more cutting our grass or walking thru iur area and taking care of my doggies.
3. Blood Oxygen - For me, my blood is A-OK.
4. SAGITTAL - Skull Bones? Yes, from my accident, 12 years ago, I became a TBI member that changed my life. Some drilled my head from the left to the right side. I’ve been there and I’m there, this moment… and I hope having a new day tomorrow.
5. Alzheimer’s Dementia - Diagnosed? I hope not. Your memory of writing these names or words is good for you. It takes me hours to write this… re-read over-&-over, then check the google search to understand the word that you wrote. My mom and 2-3 aunts has the same brain-problem “Alzheimer’s Dementia”. I hope this won’t happen to me,
You said problem=over-problem, I’m there too. But your memory and understand what words mean. I’m not there. After my accident I lost my brain-hearing or understanding. It took me the 3 next years, God has given great things and move my brain was or is way better.
Well, thank-you,
Greg D. @greg1956
PS: shoot, I was trying to add decent photos, but the MAYO Clinic program adds & adds. I’m not sure how to delete the other pictures, but here’s some of them.
@gregd1956 I love the pictures. The little girl is sweet...the dogs are nice...the buffalo is too close!!!! 😊