Complex hip pain with no answers

Posted by leximercedes @leximercedes, Aug 23, 2024

On May 20,2024 I woke up with really bad hip pain on my right side. The pain goes into my groin , my lower back, the side of my hip, and right below my butt. I could walk I just had to walk slow and use a wall to make sure it didn’t give out. But I could not sit or bend over or drive and stairs made it worse. I started at an Orthopedic Practice (we will call Place A) and that doctor didn’t even examine me and told me I had bursitis and needed physical therapy so I went to physical therapy and it made it worse to the point where it was unstable and I fell. When I called Place A and told them this and asked if I could make another appointment for that week they said the doctor was in surgery and to go to the emergency room which was just a waste of time that made it worse. When Place A did agree to see me again I asked for a MRI and he told me I didn’t need a MRI for him to know what was wrong and he gave me a cortisone shot into my hip. And sent me back to physical therapy. It did not get any better so I sought out a second opinion and ended up at the second orthopedic practice (Practice B). I originally saw a PA there and he said the cortisone shot was put it the wrong place by Practice A and he did another one. He also ordered an MRI. The shot did not help but we found from the MRI that I had a mild superior chondral laberal junction tear and a subtle interstitial partial thickness tear of the semimembranosus tendon. So the PA scheduled me an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon and he told me that there was a procedure he was considering but never explained what that was and first wanted to do a guided steroid injection into my hip joint. So I went to that appointment and he used an ultrasound marked the spot numbed it then did the steroid mixed with a numbing agent. While he was doing that it was incredibly painful and I had this pain going down my leg but I walked out of there the same as I went in. After a few hours of being home I went and laid down because I was in so much pain and shortly after that where my joint is was in excruciating pain and it got to where I couldn’t feel anything except pins and needles from my hip down on the right side and I was unable to walk. We called an ambulance and I was taking to the hospital. This was a whole new nightmare in itself because they had no idea what they were doing. They did a CT and a MRI of my lumbar spine and found that I have degenerative disc disease (which doesn’t surprise me because I have it very bad in my cervical spine and I already had an appointment set up to see a spinal surgeon about that) but I also have a herniated disc at L4 and L5. Side note I also have mild scoliosis so I do have spine issues. But they all told me that both the herniated disc and the tear were mild and wouldn’t be causing any pain. So they kept me there for two weeks because I couldn’t get walk but never sent in physical therapy until I was being discharged to evaluate me. Very long story short they sort of forced my hand for me to go to a rehabilitation facility where I was abused, neglected, threatened, screamed at, and called names. That facility also never did exercises with me (at this point any movement I had back was because I had been working on it on my own every day and all night since I couldn’t sleep due to the pain) each day they would just force my leg to go how they wanted it to and try to get me to walk and I fell many times. I had got to a point where I could move it to an extent but I could not put weight on it or lift the leg myself. Due to the mistreatment I was taken back to a different hospital where they set me up with home health care. When I went to make an appointment with Place B they were trying to avoid seeing me (it seemed as though they were worried they did something wrong with the injection and did not want to see me at all) so I made an appointment with another Orthopedic Practice (Place C). Meanwhile I am using home health care I have a bedside commode and walker and a leg lifter that I can use to get up and use the bathroom but I cannot walk at all and am in an unbearable amount of pain I have a wheelchair but sitting is so painful I can only do it for five minutes tops. The OT used a tuning fork on my leg and I could feel it vibrating all down my leg but when he put it on my hip and lower back I could not feel the vibration. The PT has made the pain increasingly worse I was crying and screaming and he still does it. When I went to see Place C she wasn’t a surgeon like I requested and she said she had no idea after just rubbing my leg. And she sent me to a pain management doctor who also works with nerves. That was a total waste of time because she didn’t examine me and just said I need to go see a neurologist. During all this I did have pain medicine at the hospital and rehabilitation facility and left the hospital with 8 pills. Which I used very sparingly but since then I haven’t had anything. While I’m he pain is not under control on the medicine it at least helps take the edge off. I’ve asked four doctors including pain management about pain medicine and they have all said no. I am also on muscle relaxers because if not the leg spasms really bad giving me even more pain. I am at a point now where I can’t sleep I can’t eat I can’t do anything because I am in so much pain. I am suffering 24/7 and I don’t know what else to do so I’m trying to find someone anyone that would take an interest in it and try to help me. Just some background about me I am 30 years old and I do have a heart condition called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and when I’m in a lot of pain my heart rate goes very high so this has also been causing chest pain. I’ve had two minor heart attacks. I have fibromyalgia which I know is not helping the pain. But I think mostly what everyone is forgetting while there may be a nerve problem this all start with my hip and lower back hurting on my right side and I think that needs to go back and be something that is discussed.

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I think @gently's suggestion is great and made me think of something else - a patient advocate. They used to be called Ombudsmen. In California there is an Ombudsman with the state. In hospitals they have them too. Insurance companies as well. @leximercedes depending on where you live/and your insurance provider try and find who is there to represent you. That is the job of the Ombudsman Office. If you are on something like Medi-cal in CA you can also ask for a hearing. I would hope they have those in every state. But I can only tell you about CA.
I don't know what your MRI says, but it is helpful to look up every single term and familiarize yourself with the words. I had a cyst once which was a fluid-filled sac. The surgeons/doctors over looked it. Going to a new pain mgt doctor he saw it. I paid for it $500 and in 5 minutes all of the pain like you explain was gone. I then took the insurance company to court and got the money back. Sometimes you have to "endure" and kiss a lot of frogs. A ton. Before the right thing happens. All I know is that you have to find some help. You are suffering. Remember that word. Also, please go back to the ER as many times as you feel necessary. You also said you had a surgeon who had an idea of what he wanted to do. He sent you for what I interpret as a "diagnostic test." Did you ever return back to him? Maybe it was just diagnostic and not for pain relief. I have had those and the doctor doesn't tell me its a diagnostic procedure - and I expected pain relief. You need to start open your mouth and getting your needs met when you have all these things. It appears to me that you stay silent and they dismiss you without your needs/questions being addressed. Sometimes we don't think of the question we have until AFTERwards. Find out a way to get your questions answered. Very important! I have been humiliated and pushed around. I push back. Too bad they are offended. It is MY life in the balance. Good luck.

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The term Patient Advocate is corrupted, it means other things, in some States. While in OR, I went to 2 ER's with racing heart and pain all over. The second time it was GI stuff. I ended up hemorrhaging at home, in the hours just after they kicked me back out, again. I'd even come in to them in an ambulance, unable to get up off the bathroom floor. So, I'd begun asking for a Patient Advocate the 2nd out of 3 times. Turns out, there's a 24 minimum delay between asking for one, and getting one. Then, it turned out, their idea of a Patient Advocate was someone who looked out for the hospitals interests. I only went back to that ER the 3rd time because my new PCP (I'd fired my original ones) ordered me back there, when I told them I was bleeding. Sure nuff, I was admitted. Then, two nurses fussed over me, while an Aide went in the bathroom and flushed all the evidence. But they did treat me, IV antibiotics etc. and almost got away with discharging me 1 day too soon but I caught them at it, so I was allowed to stay 1 more day. Don't assume that titles mean what they appear to be in American medicine.


The term Patient Advocate is corrupted, it means other things, in some States. While in OR, I went to 2 ER's with racing heart and pain all over. The second time it was GI stuff. I ended up hemorrhaging at home, in the hours just after they kicked me back out, again. I'd even come in to them in an ambulance, unable to get up off the bathroom floor. So, I'd begun asking for a Patient Advocate the 2nd out of 3 times. Turns out, there's a 24 minimum delay between asking for one, and getting one. Then, it turned out, their idea of a Patient Advocate was someone who looked out for the hospitals interests. I only went back to that ER the 3rd time because my new PCP (I'd fired my original ones) ordered me back there, when I told them I was bleeding. Sure nuff, I was admitted. Then, two nurses fussed over me, while an Aide went in the bathroom and flushed all the evidence. But they did treat me, IV antibiotics etc. and almost got away with discharging me 1 day too soon but I caught them at it, so I was allowed to stay 1 more day. Don't assume that titles mean what they appear to be in American medicine.

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What an unbelievable experience you had! If I were you, I would contact an attorney and sue them. What they did is flat out illegal I know it’s really hard to fight when you don’t feel well and they depend on that but you sound like a fighter so I hope you do. As far as presuming, I don’t presume here in California we seem to have less corrupt systems than you’re facing, and there are rec courses, not to say there isn’t bad people and problems, but since I work in a variety of medical situations, I can tell you that ombudsman and patient advocates do exist some better some worse . I know Oregon is a very pretty place, but I also know the hardship that some people face their trying to get services. Good luck.


What an unbelievable experience you had! If I were you, I would contact an attorney and sue them. What they did is flat out illegal I know it’s really hard to fight when you don’t feel well and they depend on that but you sound like a fighter so I hope you do. As far as presuming, I don’t presume here in California we seem to have less corrupt systems than you’re facing, and there are rec courses, not to say there isn’t bad people and problems, but since I work in a variety of medical situations, I can tell you that ombudsman and patient advocates do exist some better some worse . I know Oregon is a very pretty place, but I also know the hardship that some people face their trying to get services. Good luck.

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It was only about the end of some of the worst medical care I've received. It takes money to hire attorney's to sue. The risk is all ours, and the costs can be prohibitive. To me, it has only seemed like gambling. Maybe for others, it's not so. My brother had to counter sue someone once, my father hired the attorney, whom he knew, and fronted the costs, because my brother then lived still at home, so it could have come down on my Dad. My brother won, but mostly he won not getting sued himself, or my Dad. I have never been able to communicate past an Attorney's secretary, to get a free appt. The one time I was able to get past one, to sit with a Legal Aid type one, he wasn't obligated to take the case, so he didn't. Reality is a hard lesson. So, I moved. I moved out of Oregon completely. Then, got my colonoscopy (9 polyps, all not cancerous) and slowly over time, my health has improved. I am a person of faith.


Very very sorry about your difficulties.

Clearly, you ran into doctors who did not know what they were doing and pretended they did know.

US News publishes lists of the best hospitals in the US

Here's a link for their list of the best orthopedic hospitals:
The very best in a field is certainly going to be a lot better than just any old orthopedist.

My personal quick guess is that other non-orthopedic problems...perhaps your cardiac condition is aggravating your "orthopedic" problems and making treatment of them more difficult.

So, there might very well be a much more complex scenario here, than just orthopedic problems.

I would certainly run your symptoms by your cardiologist and see what he/she says.

You might want to try an MD that also works with natural therapies. Maybe get some insight there from a different perspective??? And that would be Integrative Medicine MDs, Holistic MDs, Osteopaths...

And maybe they can shed some light on things.

Acupuncture might give you some pain reduction, I don't know. But the advantage is that you would not be taking in yet another drug....which your system might not agree with. Acupuncture might give you some release, while, on the other side, giving your zero risk of aggravating anything.

I would look into a better mattress...never hurts. Ask a your cardiologist if there is a mattress that he thinks would help.

If you try some natural therapy like acupuncture, you could also ask the practitioner about that.

Maybe some better sleeping your body in various ways with pillows, take the pain and pressure off. But, of course, some expert has to suggest what to do, if you make a move in the wrong direction, you are going to be misaligning your body 8 hours a night, every night.

Of course, hit all the basic keys to health. Sleep plenty, hydrate with all those 8 glasses of water daily, eat very healthy food.

You can also look into environmental factors, just in case you are getting some exposure to something: radon, a freon leak, new factory in the area spewing extra pollution, mosquito spraying by the county, mold in the house...all those things. Never hurts to eliminate potential problems as the issue.

I would also get professionally assessed for degenerative diseases like MS and on....just in case something in that arena is going on.

And since there seems to be nerve involvement, I think it wouldn't hurt to get a neurological assessment.

I have been in support groups with many seriously sick folks. What I can say from those experiences is that everyone who gets in there, does research and works hard, makes progress. Symptom reduction, better coping skills...everything across the board.

Again, sorry about the difficulties, best of luck to you.


I have POTS, fibromyalgia, central pain syndrome, and HSD/hEDS, so not too different a background from you. And I have “moderate” (which is to say still very limiting) hip pain. You’re right that it doesn’t help to have these chronic pain syndromes that are either layering more symptoms on top of something that might be a structural or unrelated nerve problem and/or magnifying the pain. I had chronic hip pain for years that was recently diagnosed as hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia leads to hip osteoarthritis, which can cause severe pain that’s quite similar to yours: front of hip, side, groin especially and low back. Not sure if you may have OA or hip dysplasia but it may be worth asking about because my hip dysplasia went undiagnosed for years despite it being a very common misdiagnosed congenital condition. The evidence was in the x-days but the radiologist didn’t note it, so my doctor didn’t know to mention it.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this =\. It’s a story that’s too familiar to all of us.

I know it’s hard, but if you can, I’d find another provider—and perhaps not start with an orthopedist straight off because in my experience, they tend to focus straight on structural/degenerative changes, and while that’s important, there can be more to it than that they’re not considering, plus they tend to go straight for interventions like injections. Again, that’s not a bad thing, but the harm can come if they’re not considering the whole picture, and maybe I missed it, but did you even get a diagnosis or did they go straight to the injection because of pain?

For example, my physiatrist (physical medicine doctor) and PCP cautioned me about the steroid injection my first orthopedist immediately recommended, because I have fibro and central pain. In fact, they specifically said there’s a risk it could make my pain worse because these conditions create an exaggerated response to threats. Naturally, the orthopedist did not mention that nor did he have a concern when I asked.

Have you considered a physiatrist? They tend to look at things more holistically and will tend to also be more understanding of your other underlying conditions. A good one can help you decide and probably provide a referral to a better orthopedic surgeon who will hopefully not give you the runaround! And physiatrists tend to collaborate often with PTs.

For my orthopedic surgeon (I’m considering a steroid injection now, but it’s as a last resort), I specifically was referred to a “hip preservationist.” He does hip replacements but also diagnoses and treats conditions like hip dysplasia and hip impingement that cause symptoms similar to what you’ve mentioned. But I still ran everything he said by my PCP and physiatrist and even if we do an injection, I’m going to need accommodations because of my underlying conditions.

But I also realize it’s challenging and not always possible to be seeing so many specialists all at once. I have to because of all the chronic conditions.

Eventually, whether you want to do it sooner, later or at the same time, I’ve gotten the most traction out of a good PT. But I prefer a DPT ideally not at one of the chains (though I’ve been hurt just the same by them as well)…if you can find a good private practice or medical center where you can find someone with more experience, will take more time with you and crucially (!!!) understand chronic pain and how it affects your experience with pain, I’ve found that’s where I’ve gained the most progress even before I had clarity of diagnoses. A fibro-informed PT should know that starting off really slow and progressing slowly is requirement to prevent a flare. You can always add more; it’s hard to take it back if it causes a problem. A good PT might even be able to help you figure out what’s wrong or which specialist to see. And help you feel better. But there’s a lot of uninformed PTs out there in the world, just like with anyone else =\.

A pain neuroscience approach especially because I have central sensitization and fibromyalgia has also been really important for me, such as what’s used in the all Curable. It’s not the end-all, be-all, but what I learned about how chronic pain works and the strategies for calming my nervous system from my PTs has really helped me through all the pain and frustration and honestly trauma of being harmed or dismissed within the medical system. I’m really sorry you’re experiencing that trauma now too, but wishing you all the best.


It was only about the end of some of the worst medical care I've received. It takes money to hire attorney's to sue. The risk is all ours, and the costs can be prohibitive. To me, it has only seemed like gambling. Maybe for others, it's not so. My brother had to counter sue someone once, my father hired the attorney, whom he knew, and fronted the costs, because my brother then lived still at home, so it could have come down on my Dad. My brother won, but mostly he won not getting sued himself, or my Dad. I have never been able to communicate past an Attorney's secretary, to get a free appt. The one time I was able to get past one, to sit with a Legal Aid type one, he wasn't obligated to take the case, so he didn't. Reality is a hard lesson. So, I moved. I moved out of Oregon completely. Then, got my colonoscopy (9 polyps, all not cancerous) and slowly over time, my health has improved. I am a person of faith.

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There are attorneys who work "pro bono" which means for free. A are supposed to do that as a part of their practice. But there are also attorneys who will take your case for free because they feel they will win it. Personal injury attorneys do this as the norm. One can also take their case to court themselves through small claims (I have done that several times) and you can also sue through arbitration through your medical provider, insurance company or thru the state. Good luck.


Yes, I hear, especially on old TV shows or movies how there are "pro bono" attorneys, which means free. The trouble is finding some. Because you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince. In fact, in reality, one has to get past the receptionist/secretary to just get one free consultation. What it all ends up being is begging, at best. Like at one's very best, begging. And I have made it to 3 pro bono visits with attorney's over the years. One gave me good advice but told me I'd have to do it myself. The other two listened (sort of) and then said "No."

I gave up begging anyone, for anything, no matter how much I needed it, when I left the last abusive spouse I had. Besides, it's just plain outside of my value and moral system to beg anyone for anything. Only sadists make us do that. Now, asking, I don't mind doing. And asking, I've done. However, that requires one to accept "No" as an answer to our requests. There is no list of Pro Bono Attorney's. At least there are none the public gets to view, in any of the now 8 US States I've lived in over my 70 years. Just because pro Bono work is supposed to be part of their practice doesn't mean they help those who need it most. I am aware of small claims court, and a couple times I have almost taken someone into it. I do not rule out that as an option in the future. I know nothing at all about arbitration through my medical provider. It's medical providers I was referring to. How could we use them that doctor/provider us through arbitration with them? Sue by myself? Against them having high priced attorney's? I'm not interested in spending full time weeks and weeks (months) preparing and doing all the paperwork for free, just to be made a mockery of in court. There are other ways. Such as gaslighting the doctor much as they do to us via survey's, online ratings systems, through Amendment Requests via their own medical records departments, and then Statements of Dissagreement attached to our medical records when they lie horrifically. There are Grievance complaints through the health ins that's paid for us to be abused/gaslit. There are actually lots of legal options, and I prefer the ones that do not require me to grovel before some 50 attorney's receptionists, by phone, just to be treated like an idiot by the "pro bono" attorneys, themselves.

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