Couple of thoughts from my experience.
Too much missing info for me (i.e. how big is aneurysm, where is it, lifestyle, risk factors etc.) to give you my armchair, unqualified medical opinion although I did stay at a Holiday inn Express last night.
Medications have different effects on people. Trying to get dosages right takes a little time (I passed out a couple of times (p.s. not good) before they got it down)
You know how you feel better than anybody. Drs go by what you tell them and a standard playbook. Communication is key.
Taking your blood pressure several times a day (I did that too!) only makes you go nuts. It's different all the time. I had my BP taken once a year (for a physical) prior to dissection. I had zero idea of 3x daily bps before that.
If you are on this blog asking for advice you probably don't trust your cardiologist, or he's not explaining things the way you need. These blogs are great for "you're not alone" and "my experience". Not so much on medical advice. All well intended btw, just not applicable to your personal circumstance.
Welcome to a heretofore (whoa don't use that word much) unknown area of your brain, its called the hairs on fire region by neurologist's. Slow down and gather educated, well studied info. Good news is an aneurysm is typically slow developing and able to be monitored, not like blowing up a party balloon.
Best of luck we're all rooting for you!
I love your sense of humor. I'm sure laughter is the best medicine.