radiation and already have osteoporosis and loose teeth

Posted by lilyann @lilyann, Sep 1, 2024

hi lilyann here, i am to see a radiologist oncologist on the 4th to discuss palliative radiology, i am wondering about my already loose teeth and the osteoporosis that i have along with given 6 months to live diagnosis with my anaplastic cancer. i am to start a new drug also called livima. was wondering what some viewers would do or have done in my situation. it is such a mental thing with my husband and i and how really neither of us feel up to doing any radiation even at 5 to 10 treatments. so any and all opinions are welcome. for all of you out there suffering, i am saying prayers for all of us. thank you

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Hoping and praying for you and your husband.
Wishing you some luck.


Lilyann, I can only wish you be free from worry and pain and I hope you are able to spend some good time with your husband.
I would be asking myself what the benefit of the treatment would be, might there be side effects, would worrying about them be worth it, would it be brave to do something or equally brave to stay at home and doing whatever you wish and need to do. Going to appointments and thinking of them may be something you can take in your stride, maybe not.

It will be good to discuss this at your appointment and make a decision you feel peaceful about, take your time if you need to.

Whatever decision you make I wish you and your husband the best.


Im so sorry to hear the situation you are facing. You’ve obviously been dealing with your neoplastic disease for a time. Have they given you an estimate of expected benefits from the radiation treatment and the new chemotherapy drug? I know radiation therapy is difficult especially if you’re traveling 2-4 times a week for therapy when you’re already tired. I have a good friend who’s in a similar situation now receiving proton therapy 3x week. You didn’t mention your age but some of use have to eventually consider which is the best choice to continue treatment, continue some treatment and not others, or doing nothing and let your body decide. As a retired nurse who at one time performed home health hospice care this is a common concern some cancer patients face. You’ve got a lot coming your way with a new chemotherapy drug about to begin too. Have you spoken with family members or a social worker who can guide you? There is help available and I recommend you speak with your oncologist office to start.


Im so sorry to hear the situation you are facing. You’ve obviously been dealing with your neoplastic disease for a time. Have they given you an estimate of expected benefits from the radiation treatment and the new chemotherapy drug? I know radiation therapy is difficult especially if you’re traveling 2-4 times a week for therapy when you’re already tired. I have a good friend who’s in a similar situation now receiving proton therapy 3x week. You didn’t mention your age but some of use have to eventually consider which is the best choice to continue treatment, continue some treatment and not others, or doing nothing and let your body decide. As a retired nurse who at one time performed home health hospice care this is a common concern some cancer patients face. You’ve got a lot coming your way with a new chemotherapy drug about to begin too. Have you spoken with family members or a social worker who can guide you? There is help available and I recommend you speak with your oncologist office to start.

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hi jenatsky, lilyann here, thank you for reaching out to me, i appreciate it very much. to update from the appt. on the 4th with a wonderful radiology oncology person, i do have to see my oncologist on the 10th, the dentist on the 11th, wondering if i can sit in that chair with the way my neck and head hurt to begin with, i have that "someone is choking me" all the time in the neck and oh so stiff. a lot on my mind and the other thing is the coughing that i am still doing and yes, lots to think about for sure. the 17th for the pet scan, the 18th is when he wants to start the radiation but i don't believe my gums will have had time to heal. its the inside of the mouth and how it burns the tissues. they said the lymph nodes have enlarged and they feel its pressing on my organs. its just been such a whirlwind of appt.'s since august, that it all feels like i am driving down the road with one crash after another.
yes, i told family, but they had to use the bathroom and run to the store and said all medicine have side effects, well, the heart attack and stroke part is not very convincing to say the least. i am 81, 9 mo, 2 days, my mother was 82 when she had her cerebral hemorrhage. so i know my time is up and we all have to go one time or another. they said they would put me on hospice if i don't do any of this. i am so glad to hear from you and you understand being your background. would you be able to tell me then what some of the cancer patients decision came to towards the end. to do or not to do is the question, i think that is how that goes. i wish your friend wellness, i heard the proton is good. thank you for your kindness.


Lilyann I think it all depends on your quality of life you have now considering your diagnosis and what it might become with treatment. Since you’ve had this diagnosis for a long time I presume you and your husband have broached this topic in the past? You need to decide how much insult to your wellbeing you’re willing to tolerate before deciding to stop treatment. Certainly a conversation with your family included would be in order.
I’ve got OA of the entire spine and it is slowly increasing its grasp on the rest of my body as I age. I have no intention of going into a nursing home to die and it will be on my terms not an illnesses decision.


hi jenatsky, lilyann here. so sorry to hear what you are suffering through and i hear you on the nursing home. guessing your age to be close to mine. are you able to move around some. i do have some other things going on like macular degeneration, worried about it turning wet. thoughts of needles again. those needles get harder the thinner the skin. mitral valve prolapse, spinal stenosis. i am moving around and doing things even if it takes longer, so i am happy for that. family, on son left and his liver is damaged and he is in texas, things are not looking good for him. we have lost our daughter and son. still hard to deal with. other family is in penna. again i am so glad you reached out to me and put things in perspective, i wish there was something i could do for you, so prayers will be said for you. wishing you the best and i would love to keep in touch. strangers make the best friends. take care

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