Chronic pain people that fall through the cracks!

Posted by johnjustice42 @johnjustice42, Jul 19, 2024

I have been on methadone for 23 years for a failed back surgery, I like methadone it doesn’t mess with your head like some other opioids. Only need 30 mg per day. But about 3 months ago at my visit with the pain Dr. I accidentally mixed my last methadone tabs with my bp meds that withought my glasses look just alike. I never asked for meds early, in 8 yrs of seeing him never had a problem. They had performed numerous procedures, implanted a Spinal Cord Stimulator that no longer works. Well he cut my methadone off and told me he would give me no more oral meds, I couldn’t believe it, he said however he would be willing to put in a pain pump ( which I do like the idea of ), but it’s been 3 months now and they keep giving me the runaround. I am absolutely miserable. To the point of looking into a methadone clinic, but they won’t see me because I’m not at that point yet. So I guess I have to do something bad to get help. This isn’t right to let someone suffer this way. I’m heading to a dark place and this scares me. My pain Dr. sees me as a criminal and won’t help and the methadone clinic does think I qualify for their help, so what do I do? My BP is out of control along with my sugar! I haven’t slept more that 2 hrs a night for over 2 months now. Anyone have any suggestions? I know I can’t be the only one to go through this!



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@johnjustice42 try this which may cover you for any addiction issues you may still have. Buprenorphine is used in pill form and buccal film form for SUD at a higher dose. In the skin patch formulation it releases a small amount of medicine 24/7. I use a patch 20mcg/x7 days for my chronic pain and it works wonders.

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I will look into that, thanks for the suggestion! Thanks and prayers!

Thanks again,


Best of luck with your surgery I am praying for a positive outcome! I will try the melatonin. I have had many blocks, ablation therapy, you name it I’ve tried it acupuncture, acupressure, meditation, and PT.

Thanks again!

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There will be new options coming down the pipeline.
As an Avenger once told Tony Stark (Marvel movies anyone) once said, "You haven't tried all of the options."
Keep up the hope!


I would look for another MD, perhaps a Pain Mgt Specialist. The neurosurgeon who was treating my pain said that I was too old for a pain pump.


so sorry to hear this but it is sadly not uncommon. The so called leaders have waged a war on us pain folk with I am sure the best intentions but they made it worse (so many patients have turned to street drugs because of their pain and horror of WD's)
In any case I will share that i am on buprenorphine and it has worked well for me. It's a tool and might work



Even the hint that someone might misuse their opioids, once upon a time, can end up getting you the runaround. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. It's the reason people end up buying illegals and then getting seriously hooked because those doses are so far higher, or contaminated. The doctors who do this to people are as much at fault for the opioid epidemic as dealers are, in my opinion. I've spent too long walking by heroin users, and those who love their "fennies" and "bennies" on the streets of Seattle. The best idea I can think of is see if you can get a referral to official Pain Management doctors, instead of that guy.


Thanks for responding, unfortunately once a doctor puts that in your record it’s over, no other doctor even wants to talk to you about any oral pain medication. I have been very tempted to get some relief from the streets, and that scares me. Luckily I have no clue to even do that. And it bothers me that there is no one you can complain to or to give me the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks again.


Thanks for responding, unfortunately once a doctor puts that in your record it’s over, no other doctor even wants to talk to you about any oral pain medication. I have been very tempted to get some relief from the streets, and that scares me. Luckily I have no clue to even do that. And it bothers me that there is no one you can complain to or to give me the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks again.

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I would add that my pain clinic has stopped all opioid prescriptions save for buprenorphine.
The reason is two fold number one being the "Fed's" approve it more so than others and second, it has an excellent safety profile. It is very hard to overdose on bupe.
My doctor does have a heart and gave all the patients amble time to wean down or switch to bupe if they wanted to. I believe 60 days
I am not sure one can lump in all doctors. My Doctor has great compassion and really cared about patient suffering. It was also true that most of the patients stuck with the correct dose etc but I am sure there were some who were predisposed to addiction.
Lucky to have him



I had my pain meds taken away in 2020 because of the government. I only got 3 days of pain meds for a revision total knee replacement. I have had many spinal injections, ablation and whatever they tell me to do. Therapy costs me $45 everytime I go. My medical bill is over $3000 from the procedures and therapy. They think we will all be opiod addicts. I was on oxycontin from 1996 to 2020. I never abused it or asked for extra. It let me live my life. I don't know what they expect us to do. I refuse to go back to a psychologist and be put on meds because your unhappy with the government and doctors making you live in pain. These procedures are causing patients and insurance companies money. I'm 67 and just want the cheapest method for my pain that works and that is opiods.


I'm depends on the source of the pain. Mine is due to a combination of CRPS and MS, both of which are neuropathic in nature. I found that opioids didn’t work for me but I have been taking pregabalin and nortriptyline for the past six years. I find them both incredibly helpful and cannot be without them. My pain level would be between 8-9 every day.


I had my pain meds taken away in 2020 because of the government. I only got 3 days of pain meds for a revision total knee replacement. I have had many spinal injections, ablation and whatever they tell me to do. Therapy costs me $45 everytime I go. My medical bill is over $3000 from the procedures and therapy. They think we will all be opiod addicts. I was on oxycontin from 1996 to 2020. I never abused it or asked for extra. It let me live my life. I don't know what they expect us to do. I refuse to go back to a psychologist and be put on meds because your unhappy with the government and doctors making you live in pain. These procedures are causing patients and insurance companies money. I'm 67 and just want the cheapest method for my pain that works and that is opiods.

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I am sorry you’re suffering! I know we can imagine how you feel. I am 67 and I’ve been on low-dose Percocet for 30 years and I’ve never changed my dose built tolerance or had any problem. The only problem I have is from the medical industry humiliating me. I can tell you that this last year was the hardest when there was a shortage of medication I had to switch over to the OxyContin from the Percocet and really the Percocet works best for me. The doctors have never been able to take away the pain that I experience in my lower lumbar tailbone area. After 30 years, I am hopeful that maybe it’s my muscular and not structural in the bones. I keep on working on it. What I can tell you is the government doesn’t get in the way of your medical care as much as politics. The DEA created a restriction this year on dispensing opioids because of the opioid epidemic that caused a shortage in my area in California so it was a nightmare for a few months. I was lucky my doctors worked with me. My doctors Are at Ucsd and Ucsd tends to be really stringent because they accept federal monies so if you’re out of place that accepts federal monies, you might have a problem. My suggestion is to find another Doctor Who will be your primary doctor so you don’t have to doctor shop because that’s also illegal and gain their trust and get your opioids through them.

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