What brought you joy today?

Posted by northoftheborder @northoftheborder, Jun 28, 2024

If you've been living with cancer for a while, you know it's not all gloom and doom. Where did you find joy today? I'll start:

1. Working in my garden.
2. Meeting my daughter for tea.
3. Home-made pizza for dinner.
4. My spouse (always).
5. Some interesting online discussions.
6. Rereading a good novel.

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Beautiful day today and I almost felt happy and relaxed


I'm just starting my journey. Joy comes in all kinds of way. A friend came over to cook with me. My guy took me to an improv show for date night. Sometimes walking my dog and just thinking. This week I'll see the grandkids.

It happens and I'm making a point to notice them.


Every single day the greatest joy I experience is petting my beautiful sweet kitty, Jazz. I feel so relaxed when he sleeps on my lap while I'm watching TV. It's just him and me in the house & I talk to him a lot. Having him and his late brother absolutely helped with my difficult recovery when I returned home to an empty house from Stage 4 esophageal cancer surgery, major weight loss, compounded by a 2 month deep coma following the 10.5 hr. cancer surgery and 4 months in rehabs. Life seemed pretty grim when I finally came home but being with my 2 loving kitties definitely made life look a whole lot brighter despite the surgery problems.

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Meows 😻🙏🏼
Sweet fur babies are best friends


Nothing can calm, soothe, & make you smile like the purr of your kitty.


Your kitty, Jazz sounds so wonderful! Being there for you when you needed him when you were so sick. Kitties seem to know when we need them. Recently my husband of 30 years died. The neighbor's cat has become close to us in the last year. He came up with his usual visit and stopped and looked at my husband's empty chair; like where is my friend? Then, he came over to me purring loudly and loving me up, rubbing up against my legs. I picked him up and held him and told him my husband was up in Heaven. It helped me. However, "Kitty" kept coming up for the next 6 days which he has never done. It's usually only once every 2 weeks just being a good neighbor cat. He kept loving me up every day and I kept holding him. He knew I was lonely. It was so sweet!
I'm glad you have your wonderful Jazz there for you!

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Animals are highly intuitive, and I’m sure that cat could feel your grief and obviously sense the absence of your husband by the empty chair. And then he visits you and shows affection. Remarkable.


Animals are highly intuitive, and I’m sure that cat could feel your grief and obviously sense the absence of your husband by the empty chair. And then he visits you and shows affection. Remarkable.

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You are so right! "Kitty" knew something was wrong and tried to comfort me for 6 days! And, he wasn't even my cat! He was the neighbor's cat. He was just our good kitty friend. He was so sweet! And, it helped me a lot!


Today, I was examined in the hospital and my blood sugar before meals was 6.0. I'm very happy.
As blood sugar rose in March this year, it was 9.8 before meals and 14.3 after meals.
My urinary incontinence is almost improved and the water is ding dong again. After six months of treatment and improvements in my diet, my blood sugar has finally come down, and my incontinence will probably recover by the end of the year.

In reply to @northoftheborder "This little scamp." + (show)

This little scamp.

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How adorable!!!


What brought me joy today is knowing we rescued two young cats two days ago. A challenging first night with them, last night was sooo much better. And to see my husband actively engaged with them. I look forward to seeing their personalities shine and change our house.

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