I have posted quite a bit around here about my constipation that started in the summer of 2022. I saw multiple gastroenterologists to no avail. I had a normal colonoscopy in 2020. I tried practically everything you can imagine, diet, water, Metamucil, Miralax, prescription meds, etc. The motility just wasn’t there, unless I used Miralax or Milk of Magnesia. But for some reason my doctors frown on daily Milk of Magnesia. They prefer Miralax, so I used it daily. It was not ideal due to jello like results. I didn’t want to live that way.
Then, in April I saw a neurologist for a separate matter. I was diagnosed with Vitamin B12 deficiency. It had been treated the previous year, but not adequately. I began daily sublingual mega doses, per my doctor’s instruction. Gradually, my constipation improved. It’s been several weeks since I took anything for constipation and I no longer take Miralax. My BMs are normal, twice daily, and motility has returned. I’m not celebrating yet. I am still cautious, but elated. I have no proof there is a connection, but it seems too coincidental to not be.
I just wanted to let others know so they can be tested for B12. Please get tested before taking any, since that skews the result.
Would you share a bit more about your B-12. How low, for how long?
What dose are you taking?
What did the doctor tell you about B-12 and how does it affect 💩💩issues.
This may be too much to ask, everyone's idea of CIC is different, what were you dealing with back in 2022? Have you been using the mentioned products for the past few years? Daily, weekly, randomly? I sure would appreciate all the feedback you are willing to share. I am in year 17 of my 💩💩WARS!!
The little bit I know about milk of magnesia is what all forms of magnesium, and there are a lot of forms, do...they can interact/interfere with all other meds/supplements absorption.
Thanx, ShelleyW